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Xmas day 'free' loot (lunch) boxes- first hit always free


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So Loot Boxes are CONFIRMED for FO76- initially in the form of 'giveaway' Xmas holiday event 'lunch boxes'. But there is an old drug dealer saying- the first hit is always free.


Now we KNOW FO76 was designed from the ground up to be pay-to-win, with 'perk' packs being sold, thru disassembling the game's data files. But after the absolute fiasco of EA's Star Wars Battlefront 2- where the entire game was destroyed post-release cos of pay-to-win loot boxes- Bethesda pulled back in total panic. BF2 ruined Todd Howard's initial plans for FO76, but also allowed him to lie about the nature of the game by spinning the late changes as the original intent of the microtransactions.


But Loot Boxes were ALWAYS going to return at some point- the entire monetary strategy of FO76 depends on them.


Now we are aware Beth is about to unleash Loot Boxes with the next update or two- just in time for Xmas- and I am CERTAIN Todd Howard will pitch them as 'free seasonal gifts' for 'loyal' players. And the paid shills already have their "Father Todd, Santa Howard" narrative 'wasteland' stories ready to go. A massive PR push for a game whose digital download nature means one can always buy it as close to Xmas day as it gets.


As the lousy NON-widescreen fix proved yet again, ALL the money currently spent by Bethesda on this title goes to (mostly) covert PR shilling and making new paid content for the Atom Store. Bug 'fixes' and gameplay 'improvements' are done by a z-team on the smallest budget possible.


But once loot boxes are normalised in the game, they will become monetised. The obvious thing for Todd to do is RANDOMISE content in the Loot Box from the Atom Store, and allow trading in Atom Store content. This allows Loot Boxes to contain Atom Store items with a significant 'discount' (fake money, fake value, fake discount) - but at the penalty of having to take whatever 'random' Atom Store items the Loot box gives you.


Todd sez "no pay to win" but since there is NO winning in FO76, his promise is literally without meaning. However, even if I take YOUR understanding of 'pay to win', Todd's Loot Boxes (Lunch boxes) can avoid this and still be a massive 'win' for Bethesda.


Gambling (which is 100% of what Lunch Boxes represent) plays to a powerful vulnerability in many Human brains- especially the brains of the young, or the typical 'isolated' male fan of Fallout. Add a 'collectible' aspect to the random content (like a series of special decorative bobbleheads) and vulnerable people will spend a fortune trying to collect such- especially if 'trade' and 'swapsies' are allowed.


Todd Howard is advised and guided by some of the most dangerous, immoral and thoroughly rotten people in psycholigcal marketing warfare tactics. While Bethesda is in corporate shock over the reception of FO76, the psychologists are not fazed. Those that foolishly choose to continue playing the game after all that has happened are 100% perfect targets for the psychologists methods.


It's like how a stage hypnotist will use simple tests on the entire audience before identifying the 5% or so suitable for the stage manipulations. Those still supporting FO76 have the 'perfect' minds for Todd's Lunchbox scam.

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Guest deleted34304850

hi, are your ramblings based on anything confirmed and actual, or do you just take something, and extrapolate a whole series of assumptions from it?

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Bad form reply to myself again- but just bin browsing and...


Todd's Troll Factory (PAID reputation manangement services in PR speak- in other words a warehouse of people monitoring forums and upvoting/downvoting and trolling messages supporting Beth) has gone crazy today after being VERY low key over the last few weeks. And ALL this activity centres around the coming LOOT BOXES in FO76.


Here's a clue for the clueless. Were Todd's 'Xmas Giveaway' just about temporary FREE lunch boxes and nothing more, Todd wouldn't spend one cent online trolling the negative commentary. Why would he bother? 'Free' is always 'good'.


But what Todd Howard cares about is the REPUTATION of the Loot Boxes, because they won't be 'free' after the Xmas event- but available for purchase from the Atom Store. Todd Howard is in a state of panic, and paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to hit every forum covering this story with unprecedented levels of paid brigading.


The amount of co-ordinated downvoting i've witnessed across the last few hours (downvoting CRITICS of loot boxes in FO76 I mean) is just astonishing. Bethesda's reputation manangement subcontractors are clearly making a fortune in Xmas bonuses.


Todd has zero interest in making this 'game' better. But he does care about full blown Internet/social media warfare. The propaganda battlefield.


In the last hour I have seen the most innocent. reasonable and well argued positions against microtransactions in Fo76 downvoted to oblivion. Is this the company you honestly want to give your continuing support to? One that uses its money in a desperate attempt to close down discussion and debate?

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Honestly zanity, were you molested by a Zenimax executive? I can think of no other reason you would hold such an irrational hatred of a video game company that has done literally nothing to harm you personally, other than make a game you don't like. I mean, how has this whole 76 fiasco directly impacted your life? Even if you spent money on the game (which I highly doubt you have), did you lose your house or something because Todd Howard had it knocked down to build a giant 76 billboard? What has this game cost you? Other than the thousands of hours I'm sure you've wasted going on this hate-filled screed. The only other logical reason I can think of is that you yourself are a 'paid troll', being financed by one of Bethesda's competitors to go online and badmouth them.


Or maybe you're just an entitled brat who gives the rest of us gamers a bad name.

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Bad form reply to myself again- but just bin browsing and...


Todd's Troll Factory (PAID reputation manangement services in PR speak- in other words a warehouse of people monitoring forums and upvoting/downvoting and trolling messages supporting Beth) has gone crazy today after being VERY low key over the last few weeks. And ALL this activity centres around the coming LOOT BOXES in FO76.


Here's a clue for the clueless. Were Todd's 'Xmas Giveaway' just about temporary FREE lunch boxes and nothing more, Todd wouldn't spend one cent online trolling the negative commentary. Why would he bother? 'Free' is always 'good'.


But what Todd Howard cares about is the REPUTATION of the Loot Boxes, because they won't be 'free' after the Xmas event- but available for purchase from the Atom Store. Todd Howard is in a state of panic, and paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to hit every forum covering this story with unprecedented levels of paid brigading.


The amount of co-ordinated downvoting i've witnessed across the last few hours (downvoting CRITICS of loot boxes in FO76 I mean) is just astonishing. Bethesda's reputation manangement subcontractors are clearly making a fortune in Xmas bonuses.


Todd has zero interest in making this 'game' better. But he does care about full blown Internet/social media warfare. The propaganda battlefield.


In the last hour I have seen the most innocent. reasonable and well argued positions against microtransactions in Fo76 downvoted to oblivion. Is this the company you honestly want to give your continuing support to? One that uses its money in a desperate attempt to close down discussion and debate?



There's a lot of "if's" in your post, but I've seen other game developers do the same so I get where you are coming from and I understand that the possibility is there.


If any Bethesda employee's are reading this, pass this on up. My 13 year old child and I play this game together and despite its massive amount of flaw's for the most part we still enjoy this game. If you introduce loot boxes or similar gambling mechanic's I will file for a full refund for both of our games. I do not support gaming studio's who prey on the psychology of gambling addiction and I totally boycott all current and future games from developers that take part in these slimy practices.


See my Steam account and my child's account for EA games. There are none. Because we have sworn off of ALL EA product's until they go bankrupt over their despicable/unethical/immoral anti-gamer practices. If Bethesda does the same as EA, we'll do the same with Bethesda.

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