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PipBoy is too dark


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i have attached 2 files of my pipboy. When the pipboy is "on the way to show up" i can see the texture at night. But when it is fully opened the texture becomes so dark i cant see anything on it. I see the pipboy without any problems during the day, only at night.

I'm using ENB and have pressed return + F12 to deactivate it: no difference.


Any idea what can cause this? When my loadorder is needed pls just say a word.


Thanks and have a great time,


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As u see on the screenshot the night is not too dark. The night is really bright indeed. Only the pipboy is dark, no weapon or anything else. You see the pipboy in the first pic? It looks fine there, but not in the 2nd picture. The texture seems to be ok. I need to do some trail and error.


Any other ideas?

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This is not an obvious problem we have encountered before. Do you have any mods specific to the Pipboy? The vanilla Pipboy doesn't have this problem. Without your "load order" we have no way to tell what might be causing it otherwise.


ENB affects all kinds of things, and is the most likely suspect. There are a lot of settings that can be configured in any given "pre-set". You tried disabling it, which should have removed it's effects, but the acid test would be with ENB removed from the picture (uninstalled).


If you can either confirm the problem only occurs with ENB, then you can pursue the issue with the author of the pre-set you are using, or the STEP articles linked in the previously posted article which discuss the various settings.


OTOH, if you can confirm the problem is not related to ENB, then you have to identify the mod conflict. If none of the mods are obvious suspects, then please see 'Mod Conflict Isolation' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.


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first thx for your reply.

I have added my loadorder and a new picture with different fov. As you can see it is not only the pipboy but the whole Body.
I'm using my own enb setup, so its almost the original pre-set with my changes.

My setup is in use for a long time. I can try to deinstall some mods, maybe at first try just disable them and see wheater there are any changes.
The black body/pipboy is only at night and only outside. Inside or during the day everything seems to be ok.


It looks like a mod or file wants to do an extra shadow on the body/pipboy. But i dont have an idea which one.

I'm using this mod for my pipboy: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35796

But deinstalling this mod or installing another pipboymod did no change.

Edited by FalloutHog
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Have you tested without ENB active to see if you still have the same problem? You need to either confirm or eliminate ENB from the picture to properly focus your efforts.


Sorry, you are playing TTW (which I haven't played as yet) and with too many mods I am not familiar with to be able to point to one and say "this one" is the cause of your problem. Suggest you edit that post and put your load order into "Spoiler tags" so others can comment. (Many people are not comfortable downloading files from unknown sources.)


* See "How to markup images (etc) in forum posts and comments" article for how to use "Spoiler tags".

As some of those mods appear to be German in origin, I wonder if you are playing the "no gore" version of the game? If so, there are some differences in that version which means some mods can't support it. (I believe this is a limitation of TTW.)


What I did notice is that your images of the Pipboy show the arm and screen, whereas when I look at my Pipboy (<Tab> key) all I see is the zoomed-in screen of the Pipboy itelf (no arm). So, some mod is making that difference. The arm is not being illuminated because you don't have a light source on it, which is typical outside at night. As I recall, the "FlashlightNVSE" mod will let you mount it as a "headlamp". However, Please see the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article.


Another thing is that you appear to be using the "white" Pipboy display color. You can set you color preference for the display. The four colors available are amber, blue, green, and white. The display color must be changed through the "Pause" menu rather than the Pip-Boy itself.



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i finally found the issue. For me it was a visual enhancement in Dynavision 3. The "Overall Enhancement" looks greats but darkens my pipboy totally when open. When i deactivate the enhancement the pipboy looks like it should look.


Thanks for your help and tips!



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Thanks for reporting your solution. It will help someone else.


I would just like to point out that this is an example of why we ask for all the information we do in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. People often jump to a conclusion and get focused on that, whereas more experience can suggest other possibilities given the full picture (such as the "load order"). It takes a little more effort up front on the part of the one reporting the problem, but saves time in the long run by avoiding everyone playing "20 Questions" in lengthy exchanges teasing out more information over days. Not a criticism; just a word of advice.



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