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Help? Cicero's Hat


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I was wondering if there's any way to get Cicero's hat to look like it does on Cicero but on the player, not wrapping around the head. I love his hat but I hate, hate, hate that wrap. Don't worry, I didn't kill him. Using the Jester's Armor. Any one know how to do this?
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@Katiemw, i equipped Cicero's Hat and it looks exactly the same to me as when Cicero wears it (wraps around the head),

i play a female Nord character, maybe it doesn't look right if you selected a Khajiit, Dunmer/Altmer, or Argonian race character?

are you using the actual game version of Cicero's Hat or a modded version?

are you using a fancy hair mod that might be causing hair/hat clipping issues?

got mine using console command 'player.additem 0006492e 1' and use it only when i need to fortify sneak/stealth; but,

there's a slightly less powerful version you can get via a Dark Brotherhood quest.


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@Katiemw, lol ok, fyi, modders often need to create resized special helmets/headgear to properly fit Khajiits

because Khajiit head/ear/hair meshes are slightly bigger/different from other races causing stuff to poke thru.

If it makes you feel any better, my player and followers all cosplay and wear enchanted cat ear headband disguises

that poke thru their hoods.


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@daventry, here ya go:

Kaw Cat Disguise Set by kaw - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6150

Cat Disguise Set Circlet Compatability by Kaw - minor edits from Britefire - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19522/

while you're at it, here's a mod that adds craftable enchantable earrings to the game:

HN66s Earrings by humannature66 - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11130



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