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Mods that enhance Civil War Battles (Besides Warzones)


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Salutations, and thank you for checking my post. For the past few weeks I've been playing with the Warzones mod to give the civil conflict some more meaning. I've got a fairly beefy PC to support it.


*GeForce GTX 460 with 1gb video memory

*4gb ram

*quad core i5 at 2.5.

*Win 7 64bit


I don't mind the mayhem this mod creates when decreased to minimum spawns. What I do mind are the still frequent CTD instances. It's also still a little too much fighting too early. (This is supposed to be a lukewarm war until the Dragonborn sparks it further.) So I'm looking for alternatives mods. Thus far I've settled on two alternatives for road traffic.


-Adventurers and Travelers

-Dynamic Patrols


I'll probably replace "Dynamic Patrols" with "Travelers of Skyrim" once the civil war is over. But now I need to "re-populate" the battlefields during the campaign missions. One option is to only turn on Warzones during the civil war's height. But more selective and lighter alternatives to Warzones would be appreciated.



P.S. I did a memory check while playing. Even during CTD I'm not overloading my 1gb video memory limit. It appears to crash when the game has to load and manage the larger battlefields. That's with the in-game settings for Warzone set as low as allowed. I even went one step further and halved the face texture sizes for this mod.

Edited by luckarusky911
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