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Placeatme problem


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I'm running a script that places a bear trap at me when I equip the item with its script, it works fine except that the bear trap spawns relevant to the players point of view, so it's tilted and uneven, is there a command to do this or would I have to make a droppable bear trap and add in the physics data?


edit: Or can I use object.setpos to spawn it right, I just came across this function and can't try it out right now.


Also if theres a way that I can reference the bear trap, I think I can fix it but I don't know how to reference items placed by placeatme.


also heres the script im using:


scn PPBearTrapScript

begin onequip


if player.hasperk myperk && player.isincombat == 0

set myitem to player.placeatme sprungtrapbeartrap

player.unequipitem PPTrBearTrap

player.removeitem PPTrBearTrap 1


player.unequipitem PPTrBearTrap



Edited by senterpat
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Oooo how did I not see set angle. I was trying for about an hour or so to use setpos. Thank you very much sir.


Edit: It seems that didn't work :( not instantly anyways, but I'm gonna play around with it and see if i can get it to work.


Edit2: Well I couldn't get it to work at all, but I did manage to get it to setangle once i activate it. I'll keep trying though to see if i can get it to place straight without having to activate it.

Edited by senterpat
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