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MO2 load game problem (C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\lockedorder.txt saved)


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I use MO2, and I have all my mods set up. No flags or warnings. I launch the game with SKSE as the executable. FNIS and everything else is good. But when I try to start it up, it brings up the "MO is locked While the Executable is Running." box. It shows up for about 10 seconds then it shows this message on the bottom panel. "C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\lockedorder.txt saved"
Any help would be appreciated. (I've googled this extensively and cant find a solution.)


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These messages are normal, "C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\lockedorder.txt saved" appears when you click on "unlock". So here it appears because the game can't even start.

Did you use LOOT to check that the mods load in the right order and especially that there is no lack of compatibility patch or other mods?
If not, download link is here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1918

Now if it still doesn't work, send the content of the "loadorder.txt" (that can be found in "C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\loadorder.txt")

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15:18:57 [D] ssl support: 1

15:18:57 [D] data path: C:/Users/Matthew/AppData/Local/ModOrganizer/SkyrimSE

15:18:57 [D] Working directory: C:\Users\Matthew\Desktop\MOD ORGANIZER

15:18:57 [D] Loaded settings:

15:18:57 [D] base_directory=C:/BASE DIRECTORY

15:18:57 [D] compact_downloads=false

15:18:57 [D] crash_dumps_max=5

15:18:57 [D] crash_dumps_type=1

15:18:57 [D] display_foreign=true

15:18:57 [D] force_enable_core_files=true

15:18:57 [D] hide_unchecked_plugins=false

15:18:57 [D] language=en

15:18:57 [D] load_mechanism=0

15:18:57 [D] log_level=1

15:18:57 [D] meta_downloads=false

15:18:57 [D] mod_directory=C:/ORGANIZER MODS

15:18:57 [D] nexus_login=true

15:18:57 [D] nmm_version=2.1.5

15:18:57 [D] offline_mode=false

15:18:57 [D] overwrite_directory=C:/ORGANIZER OVERWRITE

15:18:57 [D] use_prereleases=true

15:18:57 [D] use_proxy=false

15:18:57 [D] initializing core

15:18:58 [D] usvfs log messages are written to C:/Users/Matthew/AppData/Local/ModOrganizer/SkyrimSE/logs/usvfs-2018-12-16_21-18-58.log

15:18:58 [D] Initializing VFS <mod_organizer_instance, 1, 1, C:/Users/Matthew/AppData/Local/ModOrganizer/SkyrimSE/crashDumps>

15:18:58 [D] downloads after refresh: 0

15:18:58 [D] initialize plugins

15:18:58 [D] looking for plugins in C:\Users\Matthew\Desktop\MOD ORGANIZER\plugins

15:18:58 [D] loaded plugin "bsa_extractor.dll"

15:18:58 [D] loaded plugin "check_fnis.dll"

15:18:58 [D] loaded plugin "diagnose_basic.dll"

15:18:58 [D] loaded plugin "game_fallout3.dll"

15:18:58 [D] loaded plugin "game_fallout4.dll"

15:18:58 [D] loaded plugin "game_fallout4vr.dll"

15:18:58 [D] loaded plugin "game_falloutNV.dll"

15:18:58 [D] loaded plugin "game_morrowind.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "game_oblivion.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "game_skyrim.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "game_skyrimse.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "game_skyrimvr.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "game_ttw.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "inibakery.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "inieditor.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "installer_bain.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "installer_bundle.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "installer_fomod.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "installer_manual.dll"

15:18:59 [D] loaded plugin "installer_ncc.dll"

15:19:00 [D] loaded plugin "installer_quick.dll"

15:19:00 [D] loaded plugin "pyCfg.py"

15:19:00 [D] loaded plugin "plugin_python.dll"

15:19:01 [D] loaded plugin "preview_base.dll"

15:19:01 [D] downloads after refresh: 0

15:19:01 [D] no plugin splash

15:19:01 [D] managing game at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition

15:19:01 [D] setting up configured executables

15:19:01 [D] configured profile: MY MAIN

15:19:01 [D] validating login cookies

15:19:01 [D] initializing tutorials

15:19:02 [D] localization file qt_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file qtbase_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file organizer_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file bsa_extractor_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file check_fnis_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file diagnose_basic_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_fallout3_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_fallout4_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_fallout4vr_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_falloutNV_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_morrowind_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_oblivion_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_skyrim_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_skyrimse_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_skyrimvr_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_ttw_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file inibakery_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file inieditor_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_bain_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_bundle_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_fomod_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_manual_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_ncc_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_quick_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file plugin_python_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file preview_base_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file pyCfg_en not found

15:19:02 [D] loaded language en

15:19:02 [D] interface Ethernet seems to be up (address: fe80::2dcf:b64e:7945:31c6%ethernet_32769)

15:19:02 [D] localization file bsa_extractor_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file check_fnis_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file diagnose_basic_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_fallout3_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_fallout4_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_fallout4vr_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_falloutNV_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_morrowind_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_oblivion_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_skyrim_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_skyrimse_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_skyrimvr_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file game_ttw_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file inibakery_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file inieditor_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_bain_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_bundle_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_fomod_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_manual_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_ncc_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file installer_quick_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file plugin_python_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file preview_base_en not found

15:19:02 [D] localization file pyCfg_en not found

15:19:02 [D] reading save games from C:/BASE DIRECTORY/profiles/MY MAIN/saves

15:19:02 [D] displaying main window

15:19:02 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\modlist.txt saved

15:19:02 [D] retrieving credentials

15:19:11 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\archives.txt saved

15:19:11 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\modlist.txt saved

15:20:57 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\initweaks.ini saved

15:20:57 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\plugins.txt saved

15:20:57 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\loadorder.txt saved

15:20:57 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\lockedorder.txt saved

15:20:57 [D] Load Mechanism: Mod Organizer

15:20:57 [D] USVFS DLL Name: usvfs_x64.dll

15:20:58 [D] enable local saves: 1

15:20:58 [D] Updating VFS mappings...

15:20:59 [D] VFS mappings updated <linked 34 dirs, 4 files>

15:20:59 [D] Spawning direct process < "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition/skse64_loader.exe" , "" , "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition" >

15:20:59 [D] Waiting for spawned process completion : skse64_loader.exe (14128)

15:20:59 [D] Waiting for usvfs process completion : SkyrimSE.exe (740)

15:21:08 [D] Waiting for process completion successfull

15:21:09 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\lockedorder.txt saved

15:24:56 [C] failed to resolve mod name data

15:25:51 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\initweaks.ini saved

15:25:51 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\lockedorder.txt saved

15:25:51 [D] Load Mechanism: Mod Organizer

15:25:51 [D] USVFS DLL Name: usvfs_x64.dll

15:25:52 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\initweaks.ini saved

15:25:52 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\lockedorder.txt saved

15:25:52 [D] Load Mechanism: Mod Organizer

15:25:52 [D] USVFS DLL Name: usvfs_x64.dll

15:25:52 [D] enable local saves: 1

15:25:52 [D] Updating VFS mappings...

15:25:53 [D] VFS mappings updated <linked 34 dirs, 4 files>

15:25:53 [D] Spawning direct process < "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition/data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users/GenerateFNISforUsers.exe" , "" , "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamap...

15:25:53 [D] Waiting for spawned process completion : GenerateFNISforUsers.exe (4656)

15:28:55 [D] Waiting for process completion aborted by UI

15:28:55 [D] Waiting for spawned process completion : unknown (0)

15:28:55 [W] Failed waiting for process completion : MsgWaitForMultipleObjects WAIT_FAILED 0

15:28:55 [D] Waiting for process completion not successfull : 4294967295

15:28:58 [D] enable local saves: 1

15:28:58 [D] Updating VFS mappings...

15:29:00 [D] VFS mappings updated <linked 34 dirs, 4 files>

15:29:00 [D] Spawning direct process < "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition/skse64_loader.exe" , "" , "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition" >

15:29:00 [D] Waiting for spawned process completion : skse64_loader.exe (17800)

15:29:00 [D] Waiting for usvfs process completion : SkyrimSE.exe (14908)

15:29:09 [D] Waiting for usvfs process completion : GenerateFNISforUsers.exe (4656)

15:29:19 [D] Waiting for process completion successfull

15:29:20 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\lockedorder.txt saved

15:29:57 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\initweaks.ini saved

15:29:57 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\lockedorder.txt saved

15:29:57 [D] Load Mechanism: Mod Organizer

15:29:57 [D] USVFS DLL Name: usvfs_x64.dll

15:29:59 [D] enable local saves: 1

15:29:59 [D] Updating VFS mappings...

15:30:00 [D] VFS mappings updated <linked 34 dirs, 4 files>

15:30:00 [D] Spawning direct process < "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition/skse64_loader.exe" , "" , "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition" >

15:30:00 [D] Waiting for spawned process completion : skse64_loader.exe (16292)

15:30:00 [D] Waiting for usvfs process completion : SkyrimSE.exe (13976)

15:30:09 [D] Waiting for process completion successfull

15:30:10 [D] C:\BASE DIRECTORY\profiles\MY MAIN\lockedorder.txt saved


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Mhh strange...
Sorry to ask so many questions, but you have to if you want to solve the problem : /

Does your SKSE version match with your skyrim version ?
Did your game work before mods were installed ?

And for the load order you can copy it from LOOT in the 3 dots menu

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Sorry, I posted the same thing twice, shitty connection

Mhh strange...
Sorry to ask so many questions, but you have to if you want to solve the problem : /

Does your SKSE version match with your skyrim version ?
Did your game work before mods were installed ?

And for the load order you can copy it from LOOT in the 3 dots menu


Edited by Amki45
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