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Scripting: Variables not set?


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Hi all,

I've been trying to set up a short quest similar to freeformriften04 or freeformivarstead (ie collect X amount of X item) but i've hit a small snag in trying to get the game to display how many of an item the player has collected


My Scrip is this, (similar to the quests listed)



Scriptname ShardQuest01 extends Quest

Quest Property ShardsQuest  Auto Conditional
GlobalVariable Property ShardsGemCount  Auto Conditional
GlobalVariable Property ShardsGemTotal  Auto Conditional
MiscObject Property GemItem Auto Conditional

Function GemsCounted()

float CurrentGemCount = Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemItem)

ShardsGemCount.Value = CurrentGemCount
if CurrentGemCount >= 8
elseif CurrentGemCount < 8





I think the variables have been set (as far as I can see) within the code and in the CK



and the quest objective should be displaying "Gather 8 Shards of Dawn to reforge the sword (<Global=ShardGemCount>/<Global=ShardGemTotal>)", obviously the GemCount is the number collected and the Total is the 8 needed to complete the objective.


But in game, all i see is this

Broked Display


Clearly I'm missing something, probably very simple as is always the case. So could someone point me in the right direction please?


Any help is very much so appreciated :)

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