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Fores New Idles help


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Hello, I don't often post but I have been using this site for mods for years, new vegas, oblivion etc. and I don't often need to post but I guess I do today. I am having trouble installing Fores New Idles http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811


currently I have both required mods installed using nexus mod manager, I also know that I am supposed to use the "Generator" for FNIS which when I click update FNIS behavior like I'm supposed to gives me the error message error (2019) temp directory does not exist bad installation? also in his instructions it says to create <temp_dir> how do I do this? behavior consistence check also doesn't work. and when I log into my game everyone including myself is stuck with there arms out and is completely frozen that way. I can't use spells or anything or open doors etc I just float around and everyone else is frozen. I bet my problem would be solved if I could get the generator working. But his directions weren't as specific as I needed them to be. If anyone could enlighten me that would be great. I have a steam copy of the game btw.


AMD 3.2 duo core

windows 7 64bit

4 gigs patriot ram

nvidia GTX 460 SE

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  • 1 month later...

Found this while searching around


Error 2019 (Temporary directory does not exist bath installation.?) : (1) you have an incomplete installation - download> and install new FNIS Behaviors (2) you have GenerateFNISforUSers.exe performed at another location as needed. MACH'S NOT. The call from any place will not work.


Maybe Referencing to multiple files of the FNIS Generator? but hope this helped i would recommend maybe searching in your comp and finding

the other files of FNIS Generator and deleteing them? idk hope i helped.

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I have the same issue although it's telling me " ERROR(5): Access to the path 'C:\Users\meshes\actors\character\animations\' is denied. " I can not find a meshes folder in my c: users file.


all animation is locked up into stick figures after I installed and ran Generate FNIS for users,


Any help is greatly appreciated

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  • 7 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I have not experienced this exact error, but I have had others like CTD at loading screen. The best way that worked for me was a manual install. I would recommend using NMM to uninstall it , if you used it to install to begin with and using the manual "copy and paste" installation.

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  • 7 months later...

Guys, DON'T POST ANY FNIS Problems without posting the complete generator output. Just telling the error message is almost always useless.


But most of the time, messages likes yours come up when you don't follow the instructions, and start the generator from wherever the explorer's find function is telling you. THAT'S WRONG!


The path to the generator should be something like

C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/skyrim/Data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users/GenerateFNISforUsers.exe

And not somewhere in C:/user/meshes.
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