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Good news... I guess?


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  • 2 weeks later...
The good news is that I have some money now. These hours really add up, I actually just bought a nice 1080p led monitor. It should look much better than my 1440x900 lcd vga monitor. I'm not going to have time to actually use it until I quit the job and get one with fewer hours for college though.
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One thing most people don't realize about how much $ you make, is the region your in, I live in the south US, here skilled laborers make less than half what you used to make up north but the actual cost of living is much less also. I've had a lot of friends who were welders go work on a job and when it ended (laid off), they made sure to apply for unemployment while they were still there, because if they had came back here and done so, they would only draw a little less than half the $. And I feel for you working 7 12's, been there got the T-shirt.
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7.25 AN HOUR? WoW :mad: :mad:

in my country workers get NOTHING and they dont even get their NOTHING on time. :verymad:

Last time their salary was delayed about 6 MONTHS and i dont know how did they feed their family without money in 6 MONTHS

and you think your country is bad, be a little thankfull !


Well you just exaggerated,

Workers pay to work here. they have to pay for expensive chickens as well. and they get beaten for protesting. and it's not china, so they don't get free world of warcraft.


Sympathies, but...

OP, Have you ever wondered about being unable to afford... chickens? like chicken bosoms being way too expensive? the average factory worker is payed 140$ a month here. it's the 3000th world but hey, you could do worse.

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Congratulations on finding yourself a job Renn.

$7.25 an hour, seems a fairly low reward for your employment, but if you can manage to live on that, it's enough.

I share a house with two other families (one floor each), and am currently the only person with a job in the entire house. The other families survive entirely on the welfare system, and would probably love to be in gainful employment.

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