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two-dimensional rifton market


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There is this stupid problem with people I have to talk to on the market in rifton.


I guess that there are two versions of every city in skyrim: The one in witch you can walk around in and one "light" version you can see from the distance.


Now I have to talk to Maven Black-Briar on the market but she seems to be in the "light" version of the city, I can see her from a roof outside, with a white arrow on her head.


When I enter the city she is not there and the quest marker is pointing at a door to leave the city...


I had this bug before with Healena? and Brynjolf and used the player.moveto command but that makes the game a little buggy, even after fast travelling and I am afraid to brake something...



Does anyone know a solution?

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You're partially correct. Of each walled-in town, there's two versions:

The actual version of it, that is the overworld version you see from a distance. Usually it'll be populated with low-quality meshes, since...well, you generally see it from a distance where you wouldn't get much detail anyway. It should also never have people in it, since it's normally inaccessible.

The *playable* version, which is actually a separate map altogether that you are moved to when you use an external city door. If you do something like...noclip through city walls while inside the city, you'll find the world outside far less interesting than the actual overworld.




Open the console, select her, go inside the city to where she should actually be, and use "moveto player" to bring her to you/the right spot. Same with any other affected NPCs.


I don't know why this would happen in the first place, probably a mod you have installed malfunctioning. Also, the only bugs that moveto can cause are AI/pathfinding-related; the only harm that could come from using it on yourself is accidentally teleporting to someplace you can't easily get back out of. Better to use it on her though, so she's where she should be and you don't have to muck about trying to get back outside the city.

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