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Jump Into The Deep End


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He stood at the top, all his work finally paid off. He worked so hard for this moment. To hear nothing from the background to know that people were watching in awe and fear of him. He was finally tasting what true power was, the flavor was bursting and flaming. Looking down at his reflection a small crooked grin spread from the corners of his mouth.

Grey clouds were starting to roll in, the low rumble of thunder lingered longer and longer. Small droplets of rain fell from the sky and rolled down the boys body. Caressing and kissing his warm body leaving a trail of coolness. Without a second glance and without a thought to pull him back, he jumped.


Everyone told him that falling was the worst thing. That falling off your pedestal was the worst thing that could happen. That when you reached the bottom that you were too hurt to try to climb back up. That your ego was bruised beyond repair, and that some people found it harder to go on.


BUT, what if they were wrong. Is it so bad to fall, when you did it? Is it so bad to jump into the waters of the unknown? And once you fall into these waters, why do you have to come back up? Why is it that you surface to the air to watch the rest smirk down at you like your the crazy one? Or why do you sink, why? Why is it so hard to think that if you keep swimming and never look back that you just might be better off?


With the questions raging inside his head he hit the cold water. It took him by surprise and chilled him to the bone. Opening his eyes was useless, the water was dark and blurry. Trying to find which way was up he spun around and around swimming aimlessly. Then his hand reached out. The cool rain was hitting it beckoning him out and up. Spinning around he saw the dive board a tiny figure in the distance. He was lighter than he had ever been, and a giggled escaped his lips. Soon he was roaring in laughter and thrusting his fist in the air.


He won, not them. He did it, not them. He took his life back, like the arms of a mother after finding a lost child. He didnt know where he was going and had no idea, nor didnt care to think about, what was around him. All he knew was he was free, and was above the influence. He did pity them, the people he left behind; for they were never going to know what it felt like to fall.

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