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Bars gone mad


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Health / Stamina bar gone mad.


Guys i need help here. After SkyRe ( I THINK it is the one that causes it ) my health basically doesn't show up damage when i get damaged, its always full, same for my / enemy hp/ sp/ mp/ skill points.

Also for example the minimap with markers will show markers that are far away from the actual " borders" of the minimap.


ANY idea what may cause this and what can conflict? I have no ideas at all what may be. I dont use any UI mod besides sky UI.

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I haven't tried SkyRe, but from what I've read it shouldn't cause any UI problems...


I don't suppose you have an ATI video card and have recently upgraded to the 12.7 beta drivers? They cause problems like this when the game's shadow resolution is set to 4096.

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I don't suppose you have an ATI video card and have recently upgraded to the 12.7 beta drivers? They cause problems like this when the game's shadow resolution is set to 4096.


Good Lord. That is EXACTLY what I have , fixed bad shadows by turining them on to medium and changing quality to 4096 in .ini. And YES I do have ATI video card with 12.7 drivers. Thank you so much for this Tip Septfox.


Do you know 12.6 is fine with skyrim?

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Yep, they work fine. I updated to 12.7 out of curiosity and ended up switching back to 12.6 almost immediately...I didn't mind turning my shadow resolution down, but the 12.7 drivers not only ran 2-3fps worse, they also ended up crashing my game every ten minutes or so :\


Pretty sure they're only to improve Crossfire compatibility anyway, so unless you have two cards, you lose absolutely nothing by going back to 12.6.


Edit: woo, late reply. Glad to hear they're working!

Edited by Septfox
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