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Mismatched textures Bijin AIO?


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I am using Vortex and I have installed Bijin AIO 2018 per instructions. Bijin Npcs > Bijin Wives> Bijin Warmaidens>Bijin Alternative Lydia>Bijin AIO 2018. All mods enabled with Lydia Alt loading after Warmaidens (rule) and all plug ins disabled except Bijin AIO and Lydia Alt.


Issue I get is the body textures on some Bijins seem to mismatch the head's textures. I have one example of Gerdur in the shade vs in the light. Some it is still noticeable in the light. I can't figure out if this is a texture issue or a lighting issue. Any insight or advice appreciated. I am new to modding.






Update: I went ahead and installed https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20126 by Shiva182 and that got rid of that problem.

Edited by GoldenDragyn
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