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Understaning map marker icos and wheel dragon words


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Last time I checked all map markers with this icon pictured below, and either found a dragon word or dragon priest mask, is it this type of icon that only has those or do the ones on the map that look like dragon heads, but could be Forsworn camps too!..


Is there a site that explains the map markers and whats at them? nevermind, found this link that explains the map markers




Opp's missed up the thread title again, how wheel got up there beats me :wallbash:

Edited by sinnerman69
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Last time I checked all map markers with this icon pictured below, and either found a dragon word or dragon priest mask, is it this type of icon that only has those or do the ones on the map that look like dragon heads, but could be Forsworn camps too!..


Is there a site that explains the map markers and whats at them? nevermind, found this link that eplains the map markers




Opp's missed up the thread title again, how wheel got up there beats me :wallbash:


All that means is its a nordic ruin. Expect Draugr.

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If you want to know where all of the dragon masks are then look below the spoiler.








But if all you want is an explanation of the map markers then that particular marker (as stated by stemin) just denotes a nordic ruin, aka tomb. As a matter of interest there are a lot of word walls located outside of nordic ruins, some of which you can pick up just by listening to the town guards. e.g. Shearpoint.

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