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M14 missing sounds


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eclipse787 - Hello!


"I'm having trouble getting the sounds for this mod http://fallout3.nexu...s.com/mods/7986 to function everything else works right and I've spent the last few hours fidgeting with it blindly in the geck. I really love the way this mod looks and would really appreciate it if some one could fix this and upload it or walk me trough fixing it myself. "


I took a look at that mod for you.


A quick look in FO3Edit revealed the trouble.


It does come with the sounds included, it's just got an incorrect path to them.


The sounds end up in:


Fallout 3\Data\sound\fx\wpn\rifleM14\fire


But the .esp is pointing to:


Fallout 3\Data\sound\fx\wpn\mini-14\fire


So you need to rename the "rifleM14" folder to "mini-14".


& the two sound files within have the incorrect names:





They should be called:





Very simple to fix, you could alternatively use FO3Edit or GECK to change the paths used by the sound files to the ones they have actually been placed in by the mod maker.


Probably easiest to just rename the files & folder to the ones I've said by hand though. :)


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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