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Help! I think I broke CK! What can I do? ("File contains truncated or invalid data")


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Hi all,


There's something wrong with my Creation Kit/Fallout 4 files...


When I double click to edit/open an Object Mod in the Object Window, I get this message:




It pops up when I open (edit) any Object Mod. When I click "OK", it continues to pop up, seemingly once for each Property Modifier loaded in the Property Modifier table...




...then it stops popping up and I can adjust any value in the Object Mod window EXCEPT the actual table above, which, when I click in it, starts the pop-ups again.


It started happening while working on my mod yesterday, so I tried just loading up the Fallout4.esm master file (without an active data file) but it still happens.


Have I messed up somewhere here? I can't find any hits with a Google search, maybe your Kung-Fu is superior?




EDIT: also tried deleting INI files.

Edited by n000dlz
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I fixed it!!

After validating all Creation Kit and Fallout 4 files, I knew the problem must be in the data files created in the Fallout 4/Data/... folders (I don't know much about these files).

So I looked and under the .../Layouts folder, found a .../PropertyMods folder in which I found the file PropertyModTargets.owl. So I opened it and noticed an anomaly straight away...

00 Category,Actor,00FF80FF,0
01 Category,Weapon,004080FF,0
02 Entry,freach,004080FF,0
.. [......]
21 Entry,fAimModelConeIronSightsMultiplier,004080FF,0
22 Entry,fZoomDataCameraOffsetZ,004080FF,0
23 Entry,,004080FF,0                                  <----
24 Entry,fFullPowerSeconds,004080FF,0

There's a property modifier listed for a weapon, but it has no identifier string (line 23). This can't be a coincidence I thought.


So I removed that whole line and BOOOOMM!! No more error messages when opening ObjectMods in CK!


I still have no idea how it happened though :confused:


:pirate: ARRR MAYTIE

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