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Man, Myrmaad, you sound like the female me. I, too, have eye problems. I"m collecting disability due to it. I'm blind in one eye(the left) and have extremely poor in my right. I also use the "hate with a PURPLE passion" line. lol. No, I'm not flirting as I'm married already.


Did no one listen to my earlier compromise to this problem? Let's subdivide the categories. Hell, they're too big as they are now, even ones without conflicts could use some division. It's like bailing water with a bucket full of holes looking for things in particular.


Wow, I'm so sorry! I really hope my trouble can be fixed! I should find out in a few weeks. Likewise, I'm happily married (about 27 years).


I know what you mean, but I'm a good ferret, so if I can help you find something, let me know!

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@ Myrmaad


I know I only DL the ones I like but its still a little frustrating seeing endless mods that are very similar while searching for the one I like.....


Anyways Im going to let this topic drop now because by the looks of this its going to end with a giant bloodbath....


Don't kill each other :sick:


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I'm fairly new to modding. My mods are made for me and my likes and tastes,some skimpy,some not.The bottom line is that I made them to enrich my game and then decided to release them,I have mods in my game which I will never share.

I release my mods for those that might have the same tastes as me,not to become a "modding Goddess" or for kudo's or praise.

As L Hammonds said thank your lucky stars they're free and not pay as you go!

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Being disabled, I've a lot of free time to ferret things out, I just try to think of others. Plus, I like things to be more organized.


When I first started looking on this site for mods in particular, I wanted creatures/monsters. I was dead bored killing the same old ones over and over. So I go to the topics and can't find creatures anywhere. So I just type in creatures in the search and about 13 mods popped up to choose from, of which only about 3 were what I wanted. It was only after careful looking around the forums did I discover Oblivion WarCry(which you can't find a link or a download here for...why?), Martigen's, Francesco's, and Oscuros. Yes, these mods encompass a lot more than 'creatures'. After looking around a while, I've found many more, but only after diligent searching.


Weapons and armor were easy to find. What I had to do with those was filter out the overpowered ones first. I don't need to be god to play the game, and besides, that's really boring after only a minute or two.


I then discovered easy ways to make things compatible. OBMM, FCOM Helper, Wrye Bash, BSAcommander....These mods should be in a "If you're going to use mods, download this first" category. Hell, they should all come in one convenient package.


After creatures, I wanted quests. Good thing this category is actually pretty organized. However, I've encountered a couple that should have been put somewhere else, dungeons maybe.


Wading through Miscellanious and Game effects was a time consuming process. These two need some subdivisions badly. Also, there are a metric ton of mods that are very small in size and very close to each other in what they do...I kept wondering why these weren't combined? Hell, about 50 mods in these categories could be put together and the Download wouldn't be over a mb.


A lot of mods I found that I didn't even know I needed were from 'listening" in on the forums. Darnified UI? I don't know how I played without it before. Immersive Interface? What the devil is that? Turns out to be a very useful tool for those with too little vision having to see too damned much. Elven Map Redux? Thank you. I hated the generic map.


If I was Bethesda, i'd be shopping these mods for their creators for future endeavors. Otherwise, some great talent is going to waste. In the casinos, to catch cheaters, they employ ex cheaters who have been caught. Who better than to know scams? In this case, I'd hire modders to create ideas and programming. Who better to make a new game than those who loved the previous so much, they created additions to it for no money?


With my eyesight, I can't mod. I won't even joke about it. But what I'm good at is coming up with ideas and improving on other ones. I've done it with any game community I've been involved with, sometimes with huge changes in the game coming straight from me. (Runescape is the most notable). However, In Oblivion, I've discovered that with what the modders have already done, there's not much to improve with. It's been well done.


We should respect anyone who has uploaded a mod. I feel my earlier compromises as to subdividing the topics is a reasonable one.

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If I may interject on the subject, I would like to add my opinion. This is just my opinion, though.


I believe all the mods being released deserve to be greatly appreciated, whether the mod is big or small, since modders are not obligated to share their works. Also it is quite natural that there are not mods you are completely satisfied with, since nobody is obligated to create mods for someone's taste.


I consider that all the mods are "icing on the cake", not "must have". Every user can play the game without any mod since original Oblivion works perfectly and can amuse us without any mod even though it contains a bit of problems that irritate us.


I think nearly all mods have been created by each user's wish. - "If only this idea were realized, the game would be more enjoyable." Some create clothes, some create weapons, some create utilities, some create quests...etc. They could have had their works all to themselves, but they have been sharing their works. All we can do is to appreciate their kindness. Nobody has a right to blame a mod even if the mod is not taste to someone. The only reason why we can enjoy various mods is just that many modders happen to be gracious, which is the most important, I think.


I strongly agree with what Lhammonds said. - "The vast majority of modders started modding without "knowing" how to do any of this". As for me, I am still new to modding, but when I began modding, I had even less knowledge about modding than I have. The reason why I started modding was that I really wished to have my own companion that would amuse myself. At that time, I began to learn scripts at long last.


Thank you.

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huh, now i know how it feels to be the plague, i never said i DIDN'T like the mods, i just don't think that its really armor, darkness illusions, yes thats armor, may be revealing, but it covers some key parts on the body (shoulders for one) so while if i had to choose, i wouldn't pick that for a real situation (assuming i was female) but it could still be considered armor, i agree witht the separate the revealing armors and the realistic/practical armors into two different categories, that way people like me won't have to deal with wading through a sea of corsets and bikinis (its probably worse than it sounds) just to find a nice suit of armor. I'm just glad that coincidentally, the armors i use started with the letter A (akaviri imports and Ayleid armor) so i didn't have to take too long to find them(/be told about them) and the swords i use (wyrmfang) was on the top 10 list on a different site. now then, if everyone's done making me consider ripping out my evil gene (mines so big it would kill me to do so) by saying i have no right to complain (LHammods rant was enough, i don't need him giving a second one, accompanied by others) can we keep it to a simple 'yay' or 'nay'?
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Hi endgamecutter, you may not need my opinion any longer, but please allow me to reply to the last comment of yours. Please don't be offended. I think people don't try to say you have no right to complain. They (including me) just wish you would be patient or would complain constructively like providing ideas to the modders courteously.


What you said in the first comment was right anyway. - More female armors are being released than male armors, and many similar armors are being released. This thing may annoy you, but who has a right to make modders stop creating those? They have just created what they wish, and they are kind enough to share the mods with us. They have done nothing wrong at all, or rather they are greatly kind. If they are blamed for what they create, some of them might get depressed, some of them might stop modding, or some of them might stop sharing. Nothing good would occur. This could be your loss because in future they might plan to create something that would please you.


I myself can't create weapons nor armors because of me lacking the knowledge of meshes and textures, so, if I wish an armor for my taste, I can only wait for someone to create it, or I have to create it by myself. Whether I choose to wait or to create it by myself, I will have to be patient. - I will have to be patient to wait or have to be patient to learn how to create it.


Thank you.

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Glad to see I'm not the only one who's a bit annoyed by the skimpy female outfits :rolleyes:


My turn to rant!


From my standpoint there's three kinds of armor/weapon mods: Realistic (simple, efficient, effective), Stylized-realistic (most Bethesda stuff), Pure Stylized (unrealistic, uneffective, comic-book/graphic-novel style)


The problem with pure realistic is that it's boring for most people, especially when they compare it to something that's pure stylized. I, personally, love realistic weapons and armor. I'm the kind of player that found many of Bethesda's items too stylized (not all! bonemold was amazing: http://www.uesp.net/w/images/MW_BonemoldArmor.jpg).


I have no problem with stylized armor if it looks effective. When the only thing the armor covers is your nipples and crotch, that should be less armor points than gauntlets. When you have your entire midsection and legs exposed, just walking through some bushes would leave you covered in bloody scratches (let alone a battle).


Pure stylized looks cool. There's no doubt about that. But to me, looking cool AND being effective is the perfect item.


Take Frank Miller's graphic novel, 300 (or the movie, as it was done pretty faithfully). Real Spartan Hoplites wore full bronze plate armor. And they didn't have expensive high-tech gyms with certified personal trainers, and "muscle growth aids". They were tough, wirey, strong yes but not ripped and bulky. Their skin looked more like scarred hide than waxed and tanned smoothness, haha.


Few picture references (couldn't find much)







Oh, and their teeth would look like crap. Lol.


Point being, for the graphic novel 300, Frank Miller STYLIZED. Stylizing is cool. Sometimes stylizing means going the direction of showing more skin.


But there's also just being perverted. There are a LOT of perverted armor sets.


To be clear, most are all extremely high quality mods with a lot of work put into them and great results. I'm just griping about the priority being to expose virtual skin.


Look up porn, don't whack off to your oblivion characters.


Love you all :biggrin:

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I agree mostly, dont see why there are SO many female ones when they are virtually all the same thing, to show off the virtual porn. If you want that there is the Naughty Joanna mod that I actually have.... :ermm: Just to see what it was like of course.


Anyway i think most of them do not go with the feel of oblivion when everyone is dressed in common, medieval clothing and youre walking around like a 1990's hooker....



More male armours/clothes please for the metro-sexual oblivion players

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