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Random Notes (Immersion Mod)


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I'll keep this brief and unstructured, forgive me if it has been done, I haven't been on the modding scene for a long time. Remember in Oblivion when we would find random love notes, suicidal troll notes and such? I was wondering if someone has done a mod like this yet, it would be a very small mod, but would help with immersion. I was always delighted to stumble across a new note or book, and let my suspended disbelief run wild as I imagined whatever it contained.


Second of all, would anyone want a mod like this? It's small subtle, and maybe most would not appreciate it. However, I would gladly write the majority of the content, but sadly I do not have Skyrim on my PC at the moment, so the brunt of the work would fall to someone else. Just an idea for any of you out there who appreciate the little stuff like myself.

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