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Requesting Help: CDT One Minute from Load? (Load Order Provided)


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So, I decided to start a new skyrim save while I took a break from FO76, and now I have run into my old nemesis, the random CDT. Except this isn't random, it's fairly consistent that it'll crash about a minute in.
I only have about 46 active mods installed, and, as far as I'm aware, that includes all the appropriate patches, I'm using NMM, LOOT, and SSEEdit4.0. Those, as well as the base skyrim and skse64 are up to date, so I can't seem to figure out why I can't get it to play for more than a minute before it crashes without warning. Just one second walking along or looking at a menu, the next, desktop.

As of writing this, I have updated, cleaned, and optimized my load order, and I have one error, according to LOOT, and that's to do with a new patch and a cloak mod making an old patch redundant, and that should not cause a crash, and I'm attempting to rectify this now.

Please, any help would be appreciated, it seems I can't put skyrim down without having to reinstall everything for things to work at all.

UPDATE: Upon further investigation (deactivating mods one at a time until I find out what's making it crash) I have discovered the culprit was Rigmor of Bruma, which is one of the new mods I wanted to try, and still would. The game works now that I have removed it, but I would still like to play it and figure out why it, Rigmor, was not working.

Edited by HackerSauce
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