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Skyrim crashes after few seconds after start (not reaching the start screen)


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I am trying to play Skyrim Special Edition which I bought and downloaded from Steam. When I start the Game I hear some sound related to the game, but the Skyrim Dragon Logo does not appear. Instead the screen goes gray, then the screen crashes. This takes just a few seconds - maybe three seconds. What is the problem?


I try to run Skryim SE on a


Lenovo T420


enough Harddrive space

Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics card

i5 Intel processor

Windows 7


I thought the specs might be too bad so I tried to optimize via performance with



and set all the settings from the Skyrim Lauchner to be as low as possible, but that did not help. As far as I can see from



it is quite possible to run Oldrim at least on a Intel HD 3000 graphics card. However, I tried to run Oldrim on it - here the game also freezes just as early with the statement that the application does not respond. Thus I have to kill Skyrim via Task Manager.


What can be done?

Edited by novalisofkeys
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That's not true...
From the moment you start the game before even the logo plays you are playing a modded game and it's already loading the mods along with it's files...

And the classic reason for the game to crash at that point is a missing master file or a MAJOR mod conflict...
You must check that all your mods are installed correctly and ordered properly..

Edited by zeknapain
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I play a modded game, even if I start the SkyrimLauncher.exe directly by double-clicking on it? Then how come, my mods (on my other computer) are not loaded when I go this route?


How can I start the game unmodded, in order to check whether its the mods or not?


How can I check for the missing master file?


The mods that I installed in Mod Organizer 2 are (in this order):


- DLC Hearthfire

- DLC Dawnguard

- DLC Dragonborn

- SKSE64

- SkyUI 5.2 for SE

- Real Snow HD 2k

Edited by novalisofkeys
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I play a modded game, even if I start the SkyrimLauncher.exe directly by double-clicking on it? Then how come, my mods (on my other computer) are not loaded when I go this route?


How can I start the game unmodded, in order to check whether its the mods or not?


How can I check for the missing master file?


The mods that I installed in Mod Organizer 2 are (in this order):


- DLC Hearthfire

- DLC Dawnguard

- DLC Dragonborn

- SKSE64

- SkyUI 5.2 for SE

- Real Snow HD 2k

Since you have SKSE64, do you launch the game through skse64_loader.exe or through the normal launcher?

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To be absolutely sure if it is the game or your system that has the problem you can do the following:
1: Verify integrity of game files through steam (right click on skyrim SE, then properties)
2: After that run the game without any mods on, and without the skse64 files in your skyrim folder

If it still goes grey and freezes after that it means it's a graphic problem
What you can do then is make sure your drivers for the intel graphics are updated (you can do this in device manager google it)
and turning the settings to the absolute lowest (including resolution and vsync)

If after all that (verified game files, no mods, no skse, updated drivers, lowest possible settings) it still doesn't work then I'm afraid your system simply can't run the game..
And Special Edition compared to Legacy Edition has a huge difference in graphics so it doesn't matter if your integrated graphics can play oldrim...

Lastly it may sound obvious but is your windows 32bit or 64bit? Special Edition needs 64bit to run...

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