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Massive quest Mod (on Dragonborn's Origines)(REQUEST)


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synopsis : Fighting alongside an old Ennemie (Mirrak resurrected) against tormented souls of dead's Drogonborn and a new (witchmaster) foe witch stole the power of the voice.

*A Big quest for the dragonborn on the dragonborn!

*Go in Hell to free Mirrak from his damnation.

*a Big come back on Mirrak's past who's still a villain despite being now an ally.

*Fight an evil form of yourself.

*Get the true Dragonborn's form

*A big final between Mirrak , you and the usurper.(Only one will remain)



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Just gonna put this out there, it's unlikely this idea will get picked up. Most people with the skills to create such massive undertakings have their own projects, and even those who don't tend to stick to lore friendly stuff, from what I've seen. If you really want this mod, you're better off learning to create it yourself.

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