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Skyim PC freeze. HELP!!


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did you found a solution? because i have the same problem, only it happened to me, many times. after 1 hour or something 15 minutes it freezes my whole pc. their is a topic open about this isseu here is the link:




But still i didn't found any solution


Still no solution. The ONLY thing I can think of is a recent secondary HD that I took out of my PC since it can hold two. I have one 500GB and I added another 500GB. I took out the secondary due to some other issues with the screws.(however the game was not designated to that HD that was removed. and it ran fine before it was added) I'm going to try one other thing and I'll keep you posted, but I have low hopes. I really don't want to resort to PS3 after playing this on PC so long.


Why don't they make a patch to fix this issue? when i contact them about the game issue a have got a crappy respond from them. that doesn't make any sense. I hope you can find a solution Zacktastica, because it’s really annoying the game computer freezes.


Zacktastica i think i found the solution, you must deleted the skyrim.ini file, and skyrimPrefs.ini in the documents > my games> skyrim file. then start the game, and them go back in you skyrim file in the document, and change in the skyrimprefs.ini the iPresentInterval from 1 to 0 or the other way around ( i think).


info: http://truepcgaming.com/2011/11/15/how-to-play-skyrim/


I will keep you update.


Well, as mentioned, I went into BIOS, I went into my system registry to remove all Steam (VALVE) related content because I found a forum online saying that sometimes, Steam updates can be a cause. Even after removing all of the related files, it still froze when trying to edit my mods in NMM. At this point I uninstalled the whole game and all related programs. When I tried to reinstall, it would still freeze. I even went into my Yahoo messenger and the computer froze. At THIS point, I realized it had to be something else then the game. It was something more. SO I just figured it was my first assumption that when I removed my added hdd, it was probably somehow still trying to run off of it or find it, hence the freeze for a long time. Luckily I had all my saves backed up.


After coming to the conclusion of doing a system restore, I caved in and did it. Took all of about 10 minutes, so pretty painless. I frequently back up all information on my computer to an external hdd (I strongly recmmend this). Majority of info on my computer is music. Once I reinstalled everything needed, the computer has worked error free so far. The ONLY problem is that I forgot to save the info of what mods I was using in my saved games.. :( :( That was stupid on my part. I have since started a new game and am only dealing with very minor tweaks and glitches. The biggest right now is the face mapping for males and females. Even after mods, the faces are still pixelated. The other is the actual game mapping got a little screwy and I went to far in the opening prison scene and had to restart from save point. But that's happened to me before, I just don't know the fix. Basically looking through a doorway, you see like a sky and clouds instead of the level. Then if you walk through, you fall until the visual changes to the level again. Weird glitch.

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