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Appropriately Futuristic Guns


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well it's inspired by the real life Calico semi auto, so something cat related


calico just much smaller ammo tham the 9mm of the original



I love the idea of the metal storm like replaceable pepperbox ammo.


another would be the ultimate saturday night special, and a disposable cheap gun.


A drone/deplolyable


lol i was thinking the same thing, except i was debating on putting the double drum under barrel, altho im not sure how that would berealistic wieght wise.


i could go a few ways with the metal storm ideas.

-a one time use pistol (reload at a work bench)

-a placeable trap/turret

-a pepperbox caseless rifle (as i stated above.


also managed to get my back up drive working. it in a slightly beeter state than my primary, but it runs blender so ill get some models done tonight. cant put them in geck until i get new vegas reinstalled or a new hard drive.

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I was thinking making the disposable gun concealable (can get past casino security), and making it reladable at a vendor, or craftbench both of which restore the otherwise shoddy gun back to full condition (since each shot on the desposable would reduce function)
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To my mind, there are certain attributes that go into a futuristic gun.(Mind you, this is my OPINION, and while I appreciate yours, don't deny me mine)

Everything but the revolver belongs in some furturstic game.

If you would please read...


http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41703This gun is a pretty cool mix of Future+Western if thats what you are looking for.

"Lead Slingers, preferably"


Sorry, mates.

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well an alternative to this idea is to make a gun in which to reload one needs to replace the barrel as it is the barrel that contains the clip in metal storm gunnery and if one has played RO2 or as its named without abrieviations Red Orchestra 2 in which the MG34 if fired for too long the barrel overheats and must be replaced to fire again or you can wait for it to cool down so if one takes that idea there is a possibility to make a semi automatic or fully auto rifle in the shape of the single shotgun in which to reload one must remove a smaller barrel from inside the larger barrel of the gun much like the way your character removes the shell and then puts a new one in as the animation is somewhat similar and possibly changable to make it look like you are slapping a new barrel in it though the drawbacks to this is longer load time small caliber and faster weapon degradation








just a few examples and a few extra designs the one on the plane is a 40mm ground attack MG lol used for massacring ground troops

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While its only a mock up, heres what i have so far on the .22 machine pistol.



would have had more done but mt comp is restarting everytime i sneeze


also just some info. altho im using the 22 smg as a base the trigger bolt, and the barrel are going to be the only things left on it when im done.




im open for suggestions.


Edit: more fill, adjusted the drum mag

Edited by orangedemi
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