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How to edit FalloutNV.esm?


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I want to change some weapons and equipment stats in the FalloutNV.esm, but my GECK or FNV Edit just won't let me do it.

I read that you create an override with GECK, but how do I do that?

Kudos for help.


Edited by Shidentora
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just check Falloutnv.esm in geck 'data' window

then make whatever change you want, hit OK

then 'save' and save as a new .esp

When you load that .esp file into FONV (using FOMM), it will alter the records in falloutnv.esm


It's not working.

I have created a GECK plugin - "Vegas.esp" - and altered some weapons' hitpoints and damage, and the FNV just won't accept them. Ingame, the stats are the same. I have tried to load it via FOMM, with and without merged patch, and nothing changed.


What is wrong?


I have installed FOMM and FNVEdit correctly. I also used Masterrestore and tried it again and nothing.


Any advices?

Edited by Shidentora
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Did you enable the plugin in FOMM by clicking the checkbox next to it?


Did you save the plugin after making the changes? Check the plugin with fnvedit to make sure it has the records you intended to change.


Yea, I did all that and nothing happens. This ain't no ol' FO3 after all, so I guess I'll just stick with the default weapon settings and stuff. It doesn't hurt to spend more ammo. You can always mod your melee damage and deal with the enemies close and personal, as they frequently want. Let 'em have it, then:)

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  • 8 years later...

Look for more recent posts than ones from the initial/early release of the game. Please note the date of the previous post, and see the Nexus "Terms of Service" about not resurrecting old threads. The primary reason is that the original thread participants are seldom still around, and it is unlikely that you have exactly the same setup. Details matter. Unsolved problems are usually due to vague descriptions of symptoms without any underlying details. And unless you are providing a definitive solution or significant new solid leads towards such a solution, it does not justify resurrecting an old thread. Even in the latter case you are better off starting your own thread and providing all the details requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article.


If all you want to do is edit EXISTING records (whether from the vanilla game and DLCs or from added mods), use 'FNVEdit'. Load your entire "load order". Read and follow the 'Conflict Detection and Resolution' procedure in the 'Tome of xEdit' documentation.


Once you have identified all the plugins which contain records for what you want to change, determine which specific values from all the plugins you want in the final result. The follow the process documented in the "Tome" for creating an "override" record in a "new" ESP. This can be a "Merge Patch" file instead of a separate plugin; it just depends upon how specific the purpose and the ESP name you save it under. You probably want a separate ESP for specific changes you want to always "win" by loading last of the conflicting plugins.


* If you have more than one mod that makes any change to the same record or set of records in the vanilla game, then you really need to use a "Merge Patch File" with that collection of mods. Please see the 'Third Rule: The Rule of One' and 'Merge Patch File' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. When in doubt, create a "Merge Patch" file for your overall "load order" anyway. If you add, remove, or change the sequence of plugins in your "load order", don't forget to rebuild the "merge patch" file again.

* "Merge[d] Patch" is a more generic term than "Bashed Patch", which is only produced by the Wrye Bash/Flash program. A Wrye "Bashed Patch" and a xEdit "Merged Patch" are generated from the entire "load order" list of plugins to resolve all "record level conflicts". They are roughly equivalent but use different algorithms. You can use the combination of both a "Bashed Patch" and a "Merged Patch" file (technically an "override" patch as described here), for different complimentary reasons. (What I say regarding "Wrye Bash (WB)" also applies to "Wrye Flash (WF)". "xEdit" is the generic name for "FNVEdit" which is the game specific implementation of that tool.)

While both WB and xEdit are creating essentially the same thing, the big difference is that WB automates the "record level conflict" resolution in load order sequence producing a "merged patch" file named explicitly "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". This works fine for most such conflicts where you want the last loading plugin to "win" conflicts, but to also include non-conflicting records of earlier plugins to get around "The Rule of One". The xEdit process does similar but doesn't dictate the resulting file name and lends itself to deciding those exceptions where you want an earlier loading record to "win" the conflict instead. By running WB first, and then creating an xEdit "override" patch with just the different winners (hence the difference from a "merged patch" of the entire "load order"), you are reducing the number of manual changes needed. This becomes important if you tend to modify your load order with updates to plugins frequently, as you should rebuild your "merged patch(s)" whenever you do so.

Note that xEdit can "automate" the creation process in a similar manner to WB, but it doesn't (last I knew but things are constantly evolving) make use of "Bash Tags". WB also has built-in "tweaks" to game settings that it incorporates into the patch, as well as merging of "leveled lists". You can also use xEdit to give "unique" results that none of the plugins provide (in effect creating a "new patch plugin" result within the overall patch.)

There are more possibilities. Please see the wiki "Merged Plugin Guidelines for Personal Use" article for details.


Edited by dubiousintent
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