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Cult Of The Wolf Queen Potema


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I have a mod idea where you can join a underground cult in a cave somewhere in the Haafingar hold and inside high ceiling cavern is a twisted , deformed , bloody , dark reflection of the mages guild in the imperial city. it would be a quest mod where you join a guild that worships queen potema and it ends with the summoning of queen potema in the vanilla quest but she is successfully brought back and there is a quest to have her take the ruby throne and kill the thalmor(receiving the support of the people in the process) but if you haven't killed the emperor yet you have some kind of quest to point you to the dark brotherhood and there could be secret meetings with sybille stentor (who many players suspect to be a inside agent for the necromancers(vanilla game)) also i think undeath compatibility would be cool. also a altar that in the shade of the revanant you could create black soul gems. also because its the most popular vampire mod maybe also sacrosanct compatibility and maybe have unique perks for being a lich , vampire , or vampire lord


also ranks could be cool and the ranks could be like



-dark apprentice

-dark mage

-adept dark mage

-dark master


-hand of potema

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