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Help with menu.txt


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For various reasons I like to play with high tier troops yet but I don't have the time to level them up normally.


In a module called "Clash of Kings" for the M&B warband I found the option (withing cheatmenu\campmenu) to increase party experience by 100000.


I would very much like to transfer that option into other modules like the vanilla one or floris for example. But I am not sure on how to do it.


So far I have located a line within menus.txt :


" mno_camp_cheat_partyxp 0 Party_+100000_EXP. 2 1106 1 1585267068834415440 1674 2 648518346341351424 100000 ."


I guess that this line 'shows' the option within campmenu, but I don't believe that it is the function itself. My guess is that even if i find the right place for it in another menus.txt (say for example Floris module) and copy paste it, it might show in game. But it won't do anything.


I am asking if anyone would have the time and good heart to explain what I would need to understand (and preferebly how to do it), in order to add the option in campmenu.




I am aware of other methods to add party experience to my troops, here are those I've tried:




-cheatengine 6


-modding the experience gain rate in config.ini


-changing level requirements for troops with "Morghs M&B WB-WFAS Editor"


-increasing my characters stats in 'training' and 'leadership'


For many reasons I've found these requiring more time and effort than the result was worth and most importantly not fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

That is the entirety of the code

2 means there will be 2 operations

1106 1 1585267068834415440 This just displays a message. The 1 indicates only 1 parameter, which is probably a string reference

1674 2 648518346341351424 100000 This is equal to (party_add_xp, "p_main_party", 100000), which is the only line you actually need.

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No, you need to ask the creator of Clash of Kings for their source, specifically for 'module_game_menus.py'


While it is possible to do some code splicing with just text, it's really a rather roundabout way of doing it. Using the Module System Python files, you'll be able to do such a task easier.

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  • 5 months later...

you could also just go in and change the normal troop exp muliplier from 2. w/e to 100. so instead of lets say 10kexp from a battle they get 100k plus the shared bonus from the party skill training so maybe even close to 200k exp per battle. possibilty, not sure hopefully some with more exp knows. . Im just a guy who changes game data so I cant die. :biggrin: armor rating for all equip is 100.


I like achievements so I only cheat in the shadows :tongue:

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