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[LE] Creating a Blinding Fog Spell


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Hello Everyone,


I am looking for suggestions on how to best Create a blinding Fog spell.


So Far I´ve figured that there is no way to affect other actors vision capability through a script unless I spawn incvisible buckets on their heads. so I will opt for a spell that increasses the player´s Sneak Ability while with in the affected area accompanied by Fog effects by using Placeatme(), picking a local effect that is usually used Level Design Purposes.

While finding a Fog effect that works is easy enough, some things aren´t very clear to me.


- How do i restrict the effect to an area that does not follow player around?

- is there is a way to spawn a specifc volume through script or do i have to go about this ina diffrent way?


- how do i then restrict fog covereage to an area?


I kinda feel lost when I am trying to figure out where to start with this Spell....


Any Advice is Welcome and very much appricated.



Having messed around with checking the blindness stats of the Falmer NPCs and comparing it to others NPCs, I could probablye use blindess actor value and a sneakbuff to make the neccessary changes.

- Still looking for ways to place Fog assets withint the limits of an area without SKSE.

- Getting a list of NPCs that are hit by the effect would be useful in script.

Edited by AslanKebab
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  • 3 weeks later...


- Creating a Pre-set Trigger volume with some scripts on it works as changing the actorvalue of the Actor inside.


- Using Moveto to get it from it´s holding cell and back seems to work reasonably well.



- OnTriggerLeave does not seem to fire when Moveto moves away the Triggervolume to it´s holding Cell which I use to reset the actor value to its default value.


- OnTriggerLeave and OnTriggerEnter Fire at the same time,


For the First Issue, I need to reset the actorvalues when the spell effect expires...

Currently, the actor values are manipulated from the script on the Trigger Volume. and The Magic Effect script handles the moving of the volume.


I need something to foolproof the second issue throwing all the actors into a list seems to be the most workable not sure however If I should use Arrays or FormLists for this.

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This stuff has always been beyond me but what occurs to me is that there's already things in game you might be able to work with--specifically what comes to mind is fire. When you point ex. a fire rune, it blows up and there's fire in an area. Likewise Fireball spells, though directed, blow up where they hit. You might be able to alter those spells' effects and scripts to suit your needs?


As far as sneak skill on the player, I'd not use that. Many players use mods that change Sneak so that it's more dependant on lighting and positioning, lowering the Sneak skill's relevance in detection. If so they'd find your mod's fog near-useless. You might see if, instead, you can make the player invisible while inside it, without applying the Invisibility visual--or as you say, check for NPCs and apply blindness as you might apply area effects ex. with Cloak spells.

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Hello Feralkyn, Sorry for the late reply.

The reason I think upping the sneak skill in the duration of the spell is to make sure the caster is still somewhat shielded from the NPC that are looking into the fog spell from the outside.
Stealth, in general, is this invisible die-roll thing in the background based on stealth points derived from the actor's environmental surroundings and lighting....it´s kind of an interesting but unintuitive system...

I´ll look into runes and see what I can do, Area of effect magic does not seem to be the CKs strong suite.


Edited by AslanKebab
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