angelfire1994 Posted December 20, 2018 Share Posted December 20, 2018 Hey guys my game is always breaking when i read the elder scroll ( dragon ) sometimes the video even starts a few seconds and then it breaks... Would offer some Donations if comeone really takes the efford to do this... [12/20/2018 - 08:52:25PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[12/20/2018 - 08:52:25PM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:25PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)[12/20/2018 - 08:52:25PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)[12/20/2018 - 08:52:33PM] Cannot open store for class "SlaveBardPlayScriptTest01", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:33PM] Error: Unable to bind script SlaveBardPlayScriptTest01 to (0A021A6F) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:33PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmquestscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:33PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmconfigmenu", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:34PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_QuestTemplate", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:34PM] Error: Unable to link "daymoyl_QuestTemplate" - the parent of "Defeatdadefeated".[12/20/2018 - 08:52:34PM] Error: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (1C0C16D8) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:34PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:34PM] Error: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (1C000D62) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:34PM] Error: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (1C0C1173) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:34PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_zzEstrusPackageDoNothingO_0101C3CF", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:34PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF_zzEstrusPackageDoNothingO_0101C3CF to (4501C3CF) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:34PM] Cannot open store for class "xflscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:34PM] Cannot open store for class "tweakdfscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:35PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::zad_GagPreEquipMsg_var used in dcur_slaveGagScript.OnEquippedFilter()[12/20/2018 - 08:52:35PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__02014174", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:35PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__02014174 to (69014174) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:35PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__0201313D", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:35PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__0201313D to (6901313D) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:35PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_gotha_WhiterunCarolynCarr_02019E62", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:35PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF_gotha_WhiterunCarolynCarr_02019E62 to (83019E62) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:35PM] Cannot open store for class "_aaTimedLightSwitch", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:35PM] Error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (5C000DB5) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:35PM] Error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (5C000DB6) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:35PM] Error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (5C000DB3) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] Error: Property Sounds on script BestRape_Horse attached to alias playermazo on quest rapequestmazo (1A000D62) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] Error: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (1C000D62) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] Error: Property zzEstrusQuestCore on script zzestrusinitcorescript attached to alias zzEstrusPlayer on quest zzEstrusQuest (45004888) cannot be bound because alias zzEstrusPlayer on quest zzEstrusQuest (45004888) is not the right type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] Error: Property zzEstrusSoundCore on script zzestrusinitcorescript attached to alias zzEstrusPlayer on quest zzEstrusQuest (45004888) cannot be bound because alias zzEstrusPlayer on quest zzEstrusQuest (45004888) is not the right type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] Error: Property zzEstrusAnimEventCore on script zzestrusinitcorescript attached to alias zzEstrusPlayer on quest zzEstrusQuest (45004888) cannot be bound because alias zzEstrusPlayer on quest zzEstrusQuest (45004888) is not the right type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] Error: Property struggleIdles on script dcur_shacklesquestscript attached to dcur_shacklesQuest (64025F88) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property lockedglovesscript on script dcur_mastercontrollerscript attached to dcur_mastercontroller (64025A23) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] Error: Property struggleIdles on script dcur_lb_lockedglovesquestscript attached to dcur_lockedRubberGlovesQuest (64044463) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:41PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Error: Element of property struggleIdles on script dcur_lbquestscript attached to dcur_lbquest (6404039A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (110444E7) is not the right type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Error: Element of property struggleIdles on script dcur_lbquestscript attached to dcur_lbquest (6404039A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (110444E8) is not the right type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Error: Element of property struggleIdles on script dcur_lbquestscript attached to dcur_lbquest (6404039A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (110444E9) is not the right type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Error: Property struggleIdles on script dcur_lockedglovesquestscript attached to dcur_RubberGlovesQuest (6404E128) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property spellrap on script BeastFormRape attached to rapequestmazo (1A000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property YokeIdle03 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD06 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyD on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property ZapYokeBleedoutIdle on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS03 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD07 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property YokeHorny02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property YokeHorny03 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property ArmbinderIdle on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyA on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS05 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS04 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD03 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDChastityBeltStruggle01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD05 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS06 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property YokeIdle01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property YokeIdle04 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property ZapArmbBleedoutIdle on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD08 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDH01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyB on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDChastityBeltStruggle02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD10 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyE on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDH02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property BleedOutIdle on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDH03 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property YokeHorny01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyC on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property YokeIdle02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD09 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD04 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyC on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyB on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyA on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyD on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDBeltedSolo on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyE on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [hdtHighHeelMCM <hdtHighHeel_ConfigMenu (0B000804)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] SEXLAB -- Init [sslBenchmark <SexLabDev (0C072727)>][12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [sKI_FavoritesManager <SKI_FavoritesManagerInstance (2100082A)>]: Updating to script version 2[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [sKI_FavoritesManager <SKI_FavoritesManagerInstance (2100082A)>]: Updating to script version 3[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [hentaicreaturesconfig <HentaiCreaturesQuest (6D0012C4)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [cfconfigmenu <CFQuestConfiguration (14000D63)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [EFFConfig <FollowerGameSettings (09000F67)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Defeat: MCM OnConfigInit[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] SexLab MCM Loaded CurrentVerison: 0 / 16200[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [sslConfigMenu <SexLabConfigurationMenu (0C079840)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [bestmenuconfig <BestRapeConfig (1A00182D)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [bestmenuconfig <BestRapeConfig (1A00182D)>]: Updating script to version 2[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [FaceLightMCMScript <aaaFaceLightMCMQuest (8D089BE8)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [dxflowergirlsscript <FlowerGirls (690012C5)>] FlowerGirls Mod initializing[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [DCUR] Initializing Menu.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] SLAL: SLAL: OnLoad[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] SEXLAB -- Init [sslActorStats <SexLabQuestFramework (0C000D62)>][12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] SEXLAB -- Init [sslSystemConfig <SexLabQuestFramework (0C000D62)>][12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] SEXLAB -- Init [sslactorlibrary <SexLabQuestFramework (0C000D62)>][12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] SEXLAB -- Init [sslthreadlibrary <SexLabQuestFramework (0C000D62)>][12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] FNIS aa (load game) started[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [slalmcm <SLAnimLoaderMenu (750012C4)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [zzEstrusMCMScript <zzEstrusQuest (45004888)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [aaaknnmcm <aaaKNNMCMQuest (670012C4)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] SEXLAB -- Init [sslobjectfactory <SexLabQuestObjectFactory (0C078818)>][12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [sKI_ActiveEffectsWidget <SKI_ActiveEffectsWidgetInstance (21000822)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [sKI_ActiveEffectsWidget <SKI_ActiveEffectsWidgetInstance (21000822)>]: Updating to script version 2[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [Zad]: Building mcm menu.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [zadconfig <zadConfigQuest (1101A282)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [_mz_ht_mcmscript <_mz_HT_Quest (2F000D64)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [zbloodEBTmenu <zGoreEffectsPlayerQuest (8A0389EC)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [KNNBasicNeedsBarOptional <aaaKNNWidgetMeterOp (67003884)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [slncConfigMenu <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [slnc] [slncConfigMenu <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: Updating mcm script to version 4[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [zzLSARMCMScript <zzLSARCore (2D015C95)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [DW_DWMCMscript <lalawench_DWMCM (7D07F479)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Deadly Wenches: updating MCM script to v1.3.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [bestmenuconfig <BestRapeConfig (1A00182D)>]: Updating script to version 3[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [KNNBasicNeedsBar <aaaKNNWidgetMeter (67003883)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [lalawench_IWMCMscript <lalawench_IWMCM (7C0B494B)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Immersive Wenches: updating MCM script to v1.5.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 29[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.OnInit() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 24[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 33[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.OnInit() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 24[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 37[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.OnInit() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 24[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 41[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.OnInit() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 24[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [defeatqtewidget <DefeatPlayerQTE (1C0B5F7C)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [zzEstrusMCMScript <zzEstrusQuest (45004888)>]: Updating script to version 2[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [effpanel <FollowerPanel (09000F68)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [Zad]: OnVersionUpdate(20/0)[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [XPMSEMCM <XPMSEMCM (93000888)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: OnLoadGame() Begin[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [zzLSARMCMScript <zzLSARCore (2D015C95)>]: Updating script to version 2[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: Updated from version 0.000000 to version 3.400000[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: registered for maintenance[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: [sexlabframework <SexLabQuestFramework (0C000D62)>] - Loaded SexLabFramework[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [zzEstrusMCMScript <zzEstrusQuest (45004888)>]: Updating script to version 3[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [defeatmcmscr <DefeatMCMQst (1C06D3D4)>] INITIALIZED[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Error: Cannot call GetLeveledActorBase() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[DefeatSexCrimeQST (1C118C5F)].DefeatSexCrimeQSTscr.OnInit() - "DefeatSexCrimeQSTscr.psc" Line 17[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Error: Cannot call GetName() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[DefeatSexCrimeQST (1C118C5F)].DefeatSexCrimeQSTscr.OnInit() - "DefeatSexCrimeQSTscr.psc" Line 17[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:[DefeatSexCrimeQST (1C118C5F)].DefeatSexCrimeQSTscr.OnInit() - "DefeatSexCrimeQSTscr.psc" Line 17[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Defeat: Witness type friend/follower found - None / Name - [12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] Error: Cannot call HasKeywordString() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[DefeatSexCrimeQST (1C118C5F)].DefeatSexCrimeQSTscr.OnInit() - "DefeatSexCrimeQSTscr.psc" Line 18[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"stack:[DefeatSexCrimeQST (1C118C5F)].DefeatSexCrimeQSTscr.OnInit() - "DefeatSexCrimeQSTscr.psc" Line 18[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [zzLSARMCMScript <zzLSARCore (2D015C95)>]: Updating script to version 3[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [Zad]: Config_ABC()[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [Zad]: Initializing ABC values...[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] FNIS aa GetAAprefixList mod: DeviousDevices nMods: 4[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] FNIS aa GetAAmodID mod: DeviousDevices prefix: abc modID:0[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: DawnGuard esp installed and activated.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: DragonBorn esp installed and activated.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: OnLoadGame() End[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: DeviousDevices nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:42PM] VM is freezing...[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] VM is frozen[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Reverting game...[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (1C0C1173) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (1C000D62) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__0201313D to (6901313D) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (5C000DB3) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (5C000DB5) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script _aaTimedLightSwitch to (5C000DB6) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF_gotha_WhiterunCarolynCarr_02019E62 to (83019E62) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (1C0C16D8) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__02014174 to (69014174) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF_zzEstrusPackageDoNothingO_0101C3CF to (4501C3CF) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script SlaveBardPlayScriptTest01 to (0A021A6F) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (1C000D62) because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property lockedglovesscript on script dcur_mastercontrollerscript attached to dcur_mastercontroller (64025A23) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Element of property struggleIdles on script dcur_lbquestscript attached to dcur_lbquest (6404039A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (110444E7) is not the right type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Element of property struggleIdles on script dcur_lbquestscript attached to dcur_lbquest (6404039A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (110444E8) is not the right type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Element of property struggleIdles on script dcur_lbquestscript attached to dcur_lbquest (6404039A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (110444E9) is not the right type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Property struggleIdles on script dcur_shacklesquestscript attached to dcur_shacklesQuest (64025F88) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Property Sounds on script BestRape_Horse attached to alias playermazo on quest rapequestmazo (1A000D62) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Property struggleIdles on script dcur_lb_lockedglovesquestscript attached to dcur_lockedRubberGlovesQuest (64044463) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property YokeIdle03 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD06 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyD on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property ZapYokeBleedoutIdle on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS03 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD07 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property YokeHorny02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property YokeHorny03 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property ArmbinderIdle on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyA on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS05 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS04 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD03 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDChastityBeltStruggle01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD05 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS06 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property YokeIdle01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property YokeIdle04 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property ZapArmbBleedoutIdle on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD08 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDH01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyB on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDChastityBeltStruggle02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD10 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyE on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDH02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property BleedOutIdle on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDH03 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property YokeHorny01 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyC on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property YokeIdle02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD09 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPArmBZaD04 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZaZAPCArmBZaDS02 on script zadlibs attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyC on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyB on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyA on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyD on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDBeltedSolo on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DDZazHornyE on script zadbq00 attached to zadQuest (1100F624) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] Error: Property struggleIdles on script dcur_lockedglovesquestscript attached to dcur_RubberGlovesQuest (6404E128) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:43PM] warning: Property spellrap on script BeastFormRape attached to rapequestmazo (1A000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property Act_DoActionOnlyOnce on script DLC2dunNchardakPedestalScript attached to (0401D4C9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:45PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[12/20/2018 - 08:52:46PM] Error: Unable to bind script letsScriptQuest to topic info 5B000D68 on <NULL quest> because their base types do not match[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Loading game...[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginStripYou", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginStripYou referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjSpankingQuest", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjSpankingQuest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_BWY_start", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_BWY_start referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "kate_monitorplayerscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type kate_monitorplayerscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_DudestiaOutfitChangerPe_02000D65", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type PRKF_DudestiaOutfitChangerPe_02000D65 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginlovepotion", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginlovepotion referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_ArthurActorScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_ArthurActorScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_vkjArmorRestriction_0502AFD6", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_vkjArmorRestriction_0502AFD6 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineDibellaDawnstar", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineDibellaDawnstar referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginmound", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginmound referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF__05036CE3", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF__05036CE3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginMoundTrig", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginMoundTrig referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginSpitSceneScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginSpitSceneScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene8", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene8 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "BFWFurniturePerkScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type BFWFurniturePerkScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginOrderOfLily", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginOrderOfLily referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginChest", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginChest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "bfwothermods", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type bfwothermods referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineJulianosHarmugstah", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineJulianosHarmugstah referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginLove", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginLove referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjNewBuddy", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjNewBuddy referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginWordWallTrig", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginWordWallTrig referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_PlayerAliasHairRefreshScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_PlayerAliasHairRefreshScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineDibellaBroken", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineDibellaBroken referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineTalosYsgramor", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineTalosYsgramor referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginsstone", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginsstone referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_1HCombatSkillAIScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_1HCombatSkillAIScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "sbctattooscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type sbctattooscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_vkjShaveHead_0503DE5D", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_vkjShaveHead_0503DE5D referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginliberation", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginliberation referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineArkayWhiterunHotD", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineArkayWhiterunHotD referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjGagged", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjGagged referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_yuriInit", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_yuriInit referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_AurielsShieldScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_AurielsShieldScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_BFWBirthdaySpankingQuest_06010110", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_BFWBirthdaySpankingQuest_06010110 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjmq", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjmq referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginDragonTransformation", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginDragonTransformation referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "bfw_mcmconfig", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type bfw_mcmconfig referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "kate_playerlevelupscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type kate_playerlevelupscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_pchsSearchForArmor_0902A016", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_pchsSearchForArmor_0902A016 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginWordWallTrig2", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginWordWallTrig2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_GuinevereActorScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_GuinevereActorScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_vkjParadeWhiterun_0504248A", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_vkjParadeWhiterun_0504248A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_PF__IngredientCollect_03099D23", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_PF__IngredientCollect_03099D23 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_HW_count", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_HW_count referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginWordWallTrigThief", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginWordWallTrigThief referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjLightsOffQuest", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjLightsOffQuest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginGhost", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginGhost referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_FollowerStealthAliasScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_FollowerStealthAliasScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "DDRestrainedGagQuest", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type DDRestrainedGagQuest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginfoot", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginfoot referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTempleEntryTrig", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTempleEntryTrig referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene3", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "BFWHitPlayerzbfCane", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type BFWHitPlayerzbfCane referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "ak__qf_akcontrolquest_01000d92", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type ak__qf_akcontrolquest_01000d92 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginGagScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginGagScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_REMAI_Draugr", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_REMAI_Draugr referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "kate_mcmconfigmenuscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type kate_mcmconfigmenuscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF__07026EC9", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF__07026EC9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "pchsSearchWeapons", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type pchsSearchWeapons referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineSheogorathTrig", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineSheogorathTrig referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineStendarrSwindler", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineStendarrSwindler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "AKControlNPCScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type AKControlNPCScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene13", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene13 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocRobeStrip", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocRobeStrip referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene11", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene11 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineMaraNightcaller", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineMaraNightcaller referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginGhost3rd", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginGhost3rd referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginCassiaScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginCassiaScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineZenitharFourSkull", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineZenitharFourSkull referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTablet", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTablet referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineDibellaMorvun", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineDibellaMorvun referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocturnalStatueAreaTrig", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocturnalStatueAreaTrig referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjParade", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjParade referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_PF__DismountGuinevere_0307A27D", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_PF__DismountGuinevere_0307A27D referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginstorymainscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginstorymainscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjEnoughAction", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjEnoughAction referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginLoveMachineTrigger", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginLoveMachineTrigger referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_YW_CWenches_052B5DBC", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_YW_CWenches_052B5DBC referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "sbc_library", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type sbc_library referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginGhost2nd", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginGhost2nd referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineJulianosTumble", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineJulianosTumble referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_pchsEmbershardMineExit_0705917A", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_pchsEmbershardMineExit_0705917A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocturnalScene0", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocturnalScene0 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginStandingStone", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginStandingStone referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocTT4Scene", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocTT4Scene referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginAlchemyLove", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginAlchemyLove referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_PF__MountGuinevere_0307C2D1", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_PF__MountGuinevere_0307C2D1 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjBringGold", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjBringGold referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginCollarScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginCollarScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_PF__DismissHomeTravel_030C0904", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_PF__DismissHomeTravel_030C0904 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virgintales", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virgintales referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene6", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene6 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "ddr_exclusionscanner", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type ddr_exclusionscanner referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "SBCNoEnemiesFollowDoorScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type SBCNoEnemiesFollowDoorScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginMushroom", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginMushroom referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineTalosFroki", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineTalosFroki referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_vkjMQAnalExamScene_05040EE9", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type SF_vkjMQAnalExamScene_05040EE9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginJumpTriggerExit", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginJumpTriggerExit referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_vkjTravelControl_0503ADC9", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_vkjTravelControl_0503ADC9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginmaiden", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginmaiden referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjDeviceControl", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjDeviceControl referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineAkatoshSteamcrag", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineAkatoshSteamcrag referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginBarStool", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginBarStool referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginWordWallAreaTrig", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginWordWallAreaTrig referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjDragonAssaulted", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjDragonAssaulted referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineArkayWayward", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineArkayWayward referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjLickFeet", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjLickFeet referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_REAMI_necro_s", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_REAMI_necro_s referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginJumpTrapDoor", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginJumpTrapDoor referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "AKControlActivatorScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type AKControlActivatorScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTestZazScene", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTestZazScene referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginGhostDuo", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginGhostDuo referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "pchs_playerscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type pchs_playerscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocturnalWSceneScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocturnalWSceneScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineMaraHroldan", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineMaraHroldan referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginDeer", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginDeer referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_pchsCaptives_07023433", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_pchsCaptives_07023433 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginFetishShrine", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginFetishShrine referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "bfwfurniturecheckerquestscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type bfwfurniturecheckerquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocturnalWhip", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocturnalWhip referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "kate_followeraliasoutfitscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type kate_followeraliasoutfitscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "kate_followeraliashairrefreshscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type kate_followeraliashairrefreshscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineMaraTemple", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineMaraTemple referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginthiefqueststagesscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginthiefqueststagesscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "akcontrolquest2script", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type akcontrolquest2script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_yurinoteB", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_yurinoteB referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineKynarethCrystaldrift", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineKynarethCrystaldrift referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_CampingScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_CampingScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginMaskEquip", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginMaskEquip referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginWristRestraintsScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginWristRestraintsScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginDweDeviceLever", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginDweDeviceLever referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "BFWNearbyFurnitureQuestScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type BFWNearbyFurnitureQuestScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "kate_mcmoptionstateactionscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type kate_mcmoptionstateactionscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_vkjFetchBooze_070263F6", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_vkjFetchBooze_070263F6 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginCageTriggerExit", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginCageTriggerExit referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginDibellaStatueLever", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginDibellaStatueLever referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "kate_dialoguekatemenuscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type kate_dialoguekatemenuscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginBleedout", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginBleedout referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocturnal2Statue", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocturnal2Statue referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineDibellaTemple", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineDibellaTemple referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_FollowerAliasScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_FollowerAliasScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginPriestessesScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginPriestessesScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_masterdeath", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_masterdeath referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginAnalDevice", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginAnalDevice referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineArkayWindhelmHotD", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineArkayWindhelmHotD referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineMaraStonehill", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineMaraStonehill referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjStrongHand", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjStrongHand referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginsstonelove", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginsstonelove referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_yurinoteC", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_yurinoteC referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginLoveMachineScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginLoveMachineScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "pchsGamePlayTest", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type pchsGamePlayTest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocTT1Scene", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocTT1Scene referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjarmorrestriction", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjarmorrestriction referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_vkjParadeScene_0504248B", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type SF_vkjParadeScene_0504248B referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginLockHit", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginLockHit referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginnocturnalaliasscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginnocturnalaliasscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginconjurer", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginconjurer referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "SBCReleaseHelp", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type SBCReleaseHelp referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginCart", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginCart referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjBlindhoodControl", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjBlindhoodControl referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginVaerminaStatueLever", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginVaerminaStatueLever referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "FNIS_PCEA2QuestScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type FNIS_PCEA2QuestScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineClavicusTrigScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineClavicusTrigScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene7", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene7 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virgintrainingscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virgintrainingscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene4", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene4 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_PF__GuardPlace_030B9D4A", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_PF__GuardPlace_030B9D4A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocRobeHit", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocRobeHit referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_poster_S", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_poster_S referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene10", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene10 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginHircineShrineLever", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginHircineShrineLever referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene15", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene15 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "AKControlPlayerScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type AKControlPlayerScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "sslmatchmaker", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type sslmatchmaker referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginDibellaHarnessHit", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginDibellaHarnessHit referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_MCMPlayerLoadGameAlias", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_MCMPlayerLoadGameAlias referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "AKCGhostUnequipSpell", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type AKCGhostUnequipSpell referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_pchsIgnoreCombatSurround", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_pchsIgnoreCombatSurround referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_yurinoteD", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_yurinoteD referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginBrokenPowerScene", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginBrokenPowerScene referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginHarnessScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginHarnessScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginThiefScript0", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginThiefScript0 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginshrinelove", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginshrinelove referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginJailEvent", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginJailEvent referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirgingTrainingScene5", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirgingTrainingScene5 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocturnal1SceneScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocturnal1SceneScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF__0503D37F", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF__0503D37F referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "DudestiaFashionDssignerRingScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type DudestiaFashionDssignerRingScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineDivinesDibella", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineDivinesDibella referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginplayeraliasscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginplayeraliasscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_REMAI_NOTE_s", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_REMAI_NOTE_s referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginStrip", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginStrip referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTattooNPC", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTattooNPC referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineAkatoshRorikstead", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineAkatoshRorikstead referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineStendarrBeacon", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineStendarrBeacon referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_vkjMQPlayerKneel_05040EE0", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_vkjMQPlayerKneel_05040EE0 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineZenitharGjukar", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineZenitharGjukar referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginPullChain", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginPullChain referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_PF__FollowerSandbox_0309AD50", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_PF__FollowerSandbox_0309AD50 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "FNIS_PCEA2PlayerLoad", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type FNIS_PCEA2PlayerLoad referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_posterend", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_posterend referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjShaveHead", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjShaveHead referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineJulianosFellglow", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineJulianosFellglow referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_YW_cards_041FF43A", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_YW_cards_041FF43A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjBook", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjBook referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginstripshout", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginstripshout referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "TIF__0702AFD5", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type TIF__0702AFD5 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_vkjLickFeetScene_05041F1B", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type SF_vkjLickFeetScene_05041F1B referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_vkjStrongHand_07029A19", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_vkjStrongHand_07029A19 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_vkjForceGreet_0502A4F3", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_vkjForceGreet_0502A4F3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_FollowerInfoScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_FollowerInfoScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginloveshoutscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginloveshoutscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginlockpick", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginlockpick referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginmain", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginmain referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginAzuraShrineLever", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginAzuraShrineLever referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginmcmscript0", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginmcmscript0 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginThiefShakedown", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginThiefShakedown referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginFetishLilyScene", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginFetishLilyScene referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNamiraShrineLever", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNamiraShrineLever referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginCageTrigger", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginCageTrigger referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginDragonStatueLever", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginDragonStatueLever referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocTT2Scene", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocTT2Scene referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "akcontrolmcmscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type akcontrolmcmscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_YW_HW_0432FEE9", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_YW_HW_0432FEE9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__pchsTravel_TemplesTaverns", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type PF__pchsTravel_TemplesTaverns referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_rippershade", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_rippershade referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_pchsGoGetArmor_09029AB3", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_pchsGoGetArmor_09029AB3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_BWY_init", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_BWY_init referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "DudestiaOutfitChangerScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type DudestiaOutfitChangerScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTraining2SceneScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTraining2SceneScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "bfwfurnitureidentifier", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type bfwfurnitureidentifier referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "BFWAddFurniturePerkQuest", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type BFWAddFurniturePerkQuest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "FNIS_PCEA2ConfigMenu", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type FNIS_PCEA2ConfigMenu referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_cards", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_cards referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "pchsReturnScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type pchsReturnScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocturnalTSceneScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocturnalTSceneScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginfollower", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginfollower referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTotemInvisibleLever", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTotemInvisibleLever referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTraining1SceneScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTraining1SceneScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene14", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene14 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginRitualChamberAreaTrig", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginRitualChamberAreaTrig referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjTrick", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjTrick referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginmachine", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginmachine referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginMolagAltarLever", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginMolagAltarLever referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginWordWallTrig2Thief", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginWordWallTrig2Thief referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginspit", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginspit referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_HW_rested_ondeath", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_HW_rested_ondeath referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginAsphyxiation", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginAsphyxiation referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginGhostEffect", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginGhostEffect referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginAltarWorshipTrig", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginAltarWorshipTrig referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "Kate_PF__Sandbox_0309776C", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type Kate_PF__Sandbox_0309776C referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "kate_dialoguefollowerscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type kate_dialoguefollowerscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "TIF__05035CAB", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type TIF__05035CAB referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjTravelRestriction", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjTravelRestriction referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjSex", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjSex referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_vkjSex_0502E08A", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_vkjSex_0502E08A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_vkjMQKneel_05040EDE", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type SF_vkjMQKneel_05040EDE referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjOwnerComment", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjOwnerComment referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_updatecarry", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_updatecarry referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineKynarethTemple", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineKynarethTemple referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginBeam", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginBeam referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginChastityPiercingScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginChastityPiercingScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "pchsKnifePointScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type pchsKnifePointScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_vkjDragonAssaulted_05042484", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_vkjDragonAssaulted_05042484 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_BFWZAPFurnitureActivate_07005ECB", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type PRKF_BFWZAPFurnitureActivate_07005ECB referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "virginpunishcollar", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type virginpunishcollar referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "akcontrolquestscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type akcontrolquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "vkjFetchBooze", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type vkjFetchBooze referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineAkatoshTwilight", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineAkatoshTwilight referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene12", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene12 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "BFWBirthdaySpankingQuestScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type BFWBirthdaySpankingQuestScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineNocturnalTrigScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineNocturnalTrigScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginTrainingScene9", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginTrainingScene9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "kate_outfitpersistentscript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type kate_outfitpersistentscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_DudestiaOutfitChangerQues_02000D63", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type QF_DudestiaOutfitChangerQues_02000D63 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginMS06Start", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginMS06Start referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocturnalMSceneScript", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocturnalMSceneScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocturnalMovLairLever", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocturnalMovLairLever referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_yurinote", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_yurinote referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginNocTT3Scene", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginNocTT3Scene referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "VirginShrineKynarethBrinehammer", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type VirginShrineKynarethBrinehammer referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] Cannot open store for class "YW_YDondeath", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Unable to get type YW_YDondeath referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBarStool in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStrip in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineKynarethBrinehammer in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineArkayWhiterunHotD in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_yurinoteC in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type SBCNoEnemiesFollowDoorScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type AKCGhostUnequipSpell in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBarStool in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineDibellaDawnstar in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBarStool in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTablet in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginMaskEquip in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStripYou in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineMaraHroldan in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_yurinote in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineJulianosTumble in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DDRestrainedGagQuest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type BFWNearbyFurnitureQuestScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type ddr_exclusionscanner in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTablet in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type BFWHitPlayerzbfCane in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStripYou in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBarStool in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginWristRestraintsScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChastityPiercingScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTablet in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBarStool in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineMaraNightcaller in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTablet in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type bfwothermods in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStripYou in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjBook in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTablet in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStripYou in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineAkatoshTwilight in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type BFWBirthdaySpankingQuestScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_BFWBirthdaySpankingQuest_06010110 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBleedout in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineDibellaBroken in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineJulianosHarmugstah in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type AKControlNPCScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type PRKF_BFWZAPFurnitureActivate_07005ECB in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChastityPiercingScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAnalDevice in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginCollarScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type BFWFurniturePerkScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type pchsKnifePointScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_BWY_start in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBarStool in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBeam in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineKynarethTemple in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_updatecarry in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type SF_vkjMQAnalExamScene_05040EE9 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjSpankingQuest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF__05036CE3 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjBringGold in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjOwnerComment in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type SF_vkjMQKneel_05040EDE in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjBlindhoodControl in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjLightsOffQuest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjEnoughAction in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjDeviceControl in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_vkjSex_0502E08A in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjSex in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_vkjTravelControl_0503ADC9 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjTravelRestriction in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_vkjShaveHead_0503DE5D in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjShaveHead in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF__0503D37F in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjNewBuddy in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjTrick in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type TIF__05035CAB in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_PF__DismountGuinevere_0307A27D in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_GuinevereActorScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type kate_dialoguefollowerscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_PF__Sandbox_0309776C in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAltarWorshipTrig in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginDeer in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginLoveMachineScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginDibellaStatueLever in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene4 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBarStool in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginLoveMachineTrigger in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginGhostEffect in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginGhost2nd in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirgingTrainingScene5 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocturnalStatueAreaTrig in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginCart in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene8 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginDweDeviceLever in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocturnalWhip in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginMushroom in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTattooNPC in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginWordWallTrig in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginWordWallTrig2 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTempleEntryTrig in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginconjurer in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocTT1Scene in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginMoundTrig in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAsphyxiation in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineSheogorathTrig in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginGhost3rd in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTraining2SceneScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virgintrainingscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineMaraHroldan in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginpunishcollar in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginCassiaScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginspit in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginOrderOfLily in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginWordWallTrigThief in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginWordWallTrig2Thief in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginshrinelove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineJulianosFellglow in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginsstone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginJailEvent in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginMolagAltarLever in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene11 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginmachine in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocturnalMSceneScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginmaiden in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocturnalWSceneScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginPriestessesScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene9 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginRitualChamberAreaTrig in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene14 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene3 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocTT4Scene in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTraining1SceneScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTotemInvisibleLever in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene12 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginHircineShrineLever in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocTT3Scene in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginfollower in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginliberation in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginGhost in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginthiefqueststagesscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBrokenPowerScene in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginJumpTrapDoor in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocturnalScene0 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginGhostDuo in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocturnalTSceneScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type SBCReleaseHelp in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type pchsGamePlayTest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_poster_S in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type PRKF_DudestiaOutfitChangerPe_02000D65 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type pchsReturnScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type bfwfurnitureidentifier in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type bfwfurniturecheckerquestscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_cards in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_YDondeath in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type FNIS_PCEA2ConfigMenu in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type FNIS_PCEA2QuestScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_yuriInit in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type BFWAddFurniturePerkQuest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_pchsCaptives_07023433 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type sbc_library in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type sbctattooscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type bfw_mcmconfig in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type PF_pchsIgnoreCombatSurround in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_HW_rested_ondeath in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_DudestiaOutfitChangerQues_02000D63 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_BWY_init in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type bfwothermods in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_BFWBirthdaySpankingQuest_06010110 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type BFWBirthdaySpankingQuestScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_masterdeath in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type PF_pchsGoGetArmor_09029AB3 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_rippershade in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type PF__pchsTravel_TemplesTaverns in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type PF_pchsSearchForArmor_0902A016 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type PRKF_BFWZAPFurnitureActivate_07005ECB in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_YW_CWenches_052B5DBC in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type PF_pchsEmbershardMineExit_0705917A in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_YW_cards_041FF43A in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_REMAI_NOTE_s in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type BFWNearbyFurnitureQuestScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_YW_HW_0432FEE9 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_HW_count in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type pchsSearchWeapons in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type AKControlActivatorScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type ak__qf_akcontrolquest_01000d92 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type akcontrolquestscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type akcontrolquest2script in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type akcontrolmcmscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocturnal1SceneScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginfoot in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocturnalMovLairLever in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginmound in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocTT2Scene in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginlovepotion in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginstripshout in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginVaerminaStatueLever in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginCageTriggerExit in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTestZazScene in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBeam in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene6 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineClavicusTrigScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineNocturnalTrigScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginSpitSceneScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginDragonStatueLever in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginsstonelove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene7 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginDragonTransformation in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginCageTrigger in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNamiraShrineLever in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginFetishLilyScene in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginThiefShakedown in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginmcmscript0 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virgintales in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocturnal2Statue in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginJumpTriggerExit in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene13 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginWordWallAreaTrig in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAzuraShrineLever in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginstorymainscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginmain in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginlockpick in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginloveshoutscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene10 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTrainingScene15 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginPullChain in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_PF__IngredientCollect_03099D23 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_PF__GuardPlace_030B9D4A in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_PF__FollowerSandbox_0309AD50 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type kate_mcmconfigmenuscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_FollowerInfoScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_CampingScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type kate_dialoguekatemenuscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type kate_monitorplayerscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_PF__DismissHomeTravel_030C0904 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_ArthurActorScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type kate_mcmoptionstateactionscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_1HCombatSkillAIScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type kate_outfitpersistentscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_PF__MountGuinevere_0307C2D1 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type kate_playerlevelupscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type PF_vkjMQPlayerKneel_05040EE0 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type PF_vkjForceGreet_0502A4F3 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_vkjStrongHand_07029A19 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjStrongHand in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjarmorrestriction in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_vkjArmorRestriction_0502AFD6 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type SF_vkjLickFeetScene_05041F1B in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjLickFeet in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type TIF__0702AFD5 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjFetchBooze in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_vkjFetchBooze_070263F6 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_vkjParadeWhiterun_0504248A in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjParade in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjmq in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF__07026EC9 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type QF_vkjDragonAssaulted_05042484 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjDragonAssaulted in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type vkjGagged in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type SF_vkjParadeScene_0504248B in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTablet in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineArkayWindhelmHotD in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type bfw_mcmconfig in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_AurielsShieldScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAnalDevice in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_REAMI_necro_s in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_REMAI_Draugr in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_posterend in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginGagScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineAkatoshSteamcrag in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStripYou in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineZenitharGjukar in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineTalosYsgramor in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBarStool in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_yurinoteB in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStrip in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineStendarrBeacon in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginMS06Start in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTablet in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineArkayWayward in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineMaraTemple in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBarStool in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStripYou in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStripYou in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_yurinoteC in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStrip in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginThiefScript0 in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocRobeStrip in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginplayeraliasscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineDivinesDibella in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStripYou in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaFashionDssignerRingScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTablet in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStripYou in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineAkatoshRorikstead in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChastityPiercingScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginHarnessScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_yurinoteD in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginHarnessScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginFetishShrine in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTablet in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_yurinoteB in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type kate_followeraliashairrefreshscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_MCMPlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_FollowerStealthAliasScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type kate_followeraliasoutfitscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_FollowerAliasScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_PlayerAliasHairRefreshScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStrip in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginDibellaHarnessHit in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginNocRobeHit in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type sslmatchmaker in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type BFWHitPlayerzbfCane in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type pchs_playerscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type BFWFurniturePerkScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type FNIS_PCEA2PlayerLoad in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type AKControlPlayerScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_yurinoteD in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStripYou in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStandingStone in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginBarStool in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type bfwfurniturecheckerquestscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type bfwfurnitureidentifier in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type Kate_AurielsShieldScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginTablet in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type virginnocturnalaliasscript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginStrip in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginLockHit in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineDibellaMorvun in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type BFWAddFurniturePerkQuest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineDibellaTemple in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_yurinote in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineTalosFroki in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineZenitharFourSkull in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineStendarrSwindler in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type YW_yuriInit in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginAlchemyLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineMaraStonehill in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginLove in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginShrineKynarethCrystaldrift in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type VirginChest in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:52PM] warning: Could not find type DudestiaOutfitChangerSubjectScript in the type table in save[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] VM is thawing...[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] Error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest vvvMarkHomeQuest (2E000D62)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - LOADED: Version 16200 / 16200[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SexLab MCM Loaded CurrentVerison: 16200 / 16200[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] FNIS AA started (load)[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [bra Chafing] Loaded: 10%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [bump Pumps] Loaded: 17%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Loaded: 10%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Loaded: 25%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [Yoke Struggle] Loaded: 20%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Loaded: 15%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Loaded: 15%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Loaded: 55%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Loaded: 15%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Mystery] Loaded: 1%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Loaded: 10%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] EFF Notification: SKSE Loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] EFF Notification: SKSE Callback functions Loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SLAL: SLAL: OnLoad[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 29[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] Error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 33[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] Error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 37[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] EFF Notification: Dawnguard loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] EFF Notification: Menu system loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] Error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 41[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (1300F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] EFF Notification: Actor panel loaded.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath::Maintenance()[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] Error: Cannot call GetActorBase() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[RaceMenuMorphsCBBE (92000800)].RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.OnReceiveTargetActor() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 170[RaceMenuMorphsCBBE (92000800)].RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.OnStartup() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 165[RaceMenuMorphsCBBE (92000800)].RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.OnGameReload() - "RaceMenuBase.psc" Line 127[alias Player on quest RaceMenuMorphsCBBE (92000800)].RaceMenuLoad.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "RaceMenuLoad.psc" Line 4[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] Cannot open store for class "consoleutil", missing file?[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] Error: Unable to obtain function call information - returning Nonestack:[zadQuest (1100F624)].zadbq00.checkBlindfoldDarkFog() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 133[zadQuest (1100F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 140[alias Player on quest zadQuest (1100F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 14[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: registered for maintenance[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Trip] Loaded: 10%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: OnLoadGame() Begin[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: DawnGuard esp installed and activated.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: DragonBorn esp installed and activated.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: OnLoadGame() End[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] zbfExternal: Compatibility checking[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] zbfExternal: SexLab version: 16200[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] zbfExternal: SlaveTats version: [12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] zbfExternal: RaceMenu version: 7[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation Pack version: 0[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] zbfExternal: SexLab support: TRUE[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] zbfExternal: Overlay support: False[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation support: False[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: Starting update chain.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [Harness] Loaded: 10%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: registered for maintenance[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: [belt Chafing] Loaded: 10%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating animations.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDBeltedSolo): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDArmbinderSolo): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDYokeSolo): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating bound animations.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01Both): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbMissionary01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbSkullf*#@01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01Both): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbBoobjob01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbKissing01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary02): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary03): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeSkullf*#@01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01Both): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeBlowjob01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeKissing01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeForeplay01): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeHolding): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeDoggy): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBMolagStandingYoke): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:53PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01ArmbYoke): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01YokeArmb): Get[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: EnableEventProcessing()[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: Rehooking Mod Events[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] InitWidgetLoader()[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Loaded: 7%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Loaded: 100%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [Drip] Loaded: 10%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Loaded: 10%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [Armbinder Struggle] Loaded: 15%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [stamina Drain] Loaded: 50%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Loaded: 25%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [belted Empty] Loaded: 10%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Loaded: 50%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [Horny] Loaded: 5%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Loaded: 50%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Loaded: 25%[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: Set Device Hider slot to 41.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: RebuildSlotmask()[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] Refreshing Helmets [_mz_HT_ActorScript <Active effect 1 on (00000014)>][12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAprefixList mod: XPMSE nMods: 4[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 48[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] Refreshing on Actor Lis[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.486374)[12/20/2018 - 08:52:54PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()[12/20/2018 - 08:52:55PM] Error: File "mslVampiricThirst.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 182[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:55PM] Refreshing Helmets [_mz_HT_ActorScript <Active effect 1 on (00000014)>][12/20/2018 - 08:52:55PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[item 10 in container (00000014)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[item 10 in container (00000014)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5[12/20/2018 - 08:52:55PM] Refreshing on Actor Lis[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2 (10021) is initialising[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [CF][Framework] JContainers 3.3 is installed[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [CF][Framework] SexLab 1.62 is installed[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [CF][Framework] SexLab Aroused 20140124 is installed[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: ==========Begin Compatibility Checks==========[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: Please note that Errors related to missing files should be ignored.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: [ Dependency Checks ][12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: DDi version [8.000000]: OK[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: assets version [3.000000]: OK[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: Aroused version [20140124.000000]: OK[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: SexLab version [16200.000000]: OK[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: [ Third Party Mod Compatibility Checks ][12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: [ Sanity Checks ][12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: Verifying that installation is untainted by an unsupported upgrade: OK[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: ==========End Compatibility Checks==========[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: Initializing Events arrays.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: zadEventSlots::Maintenance()[12/20/2018 - 08:52:56PM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Registered. Event #0[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Horny] Registered. Event #1[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Registered. Event #3[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Armbinder Struggle] Registered. Event #2[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [bra Chafing] Registered. Event #4[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: Maintenance_ABC()[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Registered. Event #5[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [bump Pumps] Registered. Event #6[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Drip] Registered. Event #7[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Registered. Event #8[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [belt Chafing] Registered. Event #9[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Trip] Registered. Event #10[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Registered. Event #11[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Registered. Event #12[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Yoke Struggle] Registered. Event #13[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Registered. Event #14[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Registered. Event #15[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Registered. Event #16[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Registered. Event #17[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Registered. Event #18[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Registered. Event #19[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: Monitoring Camera state.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [stamina Drain] Registered. Event #20[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Registered. Event #21[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Mystery] Registered. Event #22[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Registered. Event #23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [Harness] Registered. Event #24[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [Zad]: [belted Empty] Registered. Event #25[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call Stop() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 12[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call start() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 13[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 13[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call OnOffNVN() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.Refresh() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 7[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 14[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"stack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.Refresh() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 7[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 14[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call HasKeywordString() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatpascr.OnUpdate() - "defeatpascr.psc" Line 289[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp63"stack:[None].defeatpascr.OnUpdate() - "defeatpascr.psc" Line 289[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: File "mslVampiricThirst.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 182[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call GetSize() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.MergeRaceList() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 105[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 194[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp18"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.MergeRaceList() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 105[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 194[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 207[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 208[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 209[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 237[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 238[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 239[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call Show() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 271[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp39"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 271[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call Show() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 279[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp39"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 279[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call IsDead() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"stack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call IsDead() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"stack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call ForceRefTo() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 43[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call ForceRefTo() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 44[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ?[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 26[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack:[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 26[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 129[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 132[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 132[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call AddToFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 133[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [dxflowergirlsscript <None>] Added Player to the Follow me Faction: None[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 138[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 138[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call AddToFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 139[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 46[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] [dxflowergirlsscript <None>] Added Player to the Threeway Faction: None[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 146[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 146[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 151[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 151[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call HasForm() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 66[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp4"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 66[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call HasForm() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 68[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 68[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 300[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 301[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 64[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 65[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 66[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call XFL_FollowerCountEx() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 68[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 68[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp15"stack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 68[12/20/2018 - 08:52:57PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].effidlemonitor.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 90[12/20/2018 - 08:52:58PM] XPMSE MainQuest Initialization successful.[12/20/2018 - 08:52:59PM] [CF][Framework] Didn't activate actor ["Paarthurnax" [defaultAllowPCDialogueScript < (0003C57D)>]]; already has effect[12/20/2018 - 08:52:59PM] [CF][Framework] Sending register event[12/20/2018 - 08:52:59PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() Begin[12/20/2018 - 08:52:59PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() Registering[12/20/2018 - 08:52:59PM] [slnc] [slncaddondgscript <slncAddonDG (6D002F9A)>]: AddonDG.registerStuff()[12/20/2018 - 08:52:59PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (1B0110DF)>]: OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() End[12/20/2018 - 08:53:01PM] [CF][Framework] Beginning JSON registration[12/20/2018 - 08:53:01PM] [CF][Framework] Found 5 JSON files in creatures.d[12/20/2018 - 08:53:01PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-db.json; skipping[12/20/2018 - 08:53:01PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-dg.json; skipping[12/20/2018 - 08:53:01PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-mnc-db.json; skipping[12/20/2018 - 08:53:01PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-mnc-dg.json; skipping[12/20/2018 - 08:53:01PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc.json; skipping[12/20/2018 - 08:53:01PM] [CF][Framework] Finished JSON registration[12/20/2018 - 08:53:01PM] [CF][Framework] Forcing active actor restart[12/20/2018 - 08:53:02PM] [CF][Creature] Finished on ["Paarthurnax" [defaultAllowPCDialogueScript < (0003C57D)>]][12/20/2018 - 08:53:02PM] [CF][Creature] Finished on ["Ziege" [Actor < (00106D01)>]][12/20/2018 - 08:53:02PM] [CF][Framework] Didn't deactivate actor ["Paarthurnax" [defaultAllowPCDialogueScript < (0003C57D)>]]; restarting[12/20/2018 - 08:53:02PM] [CF][Framework] Didn't deactivate actor ["Ziege" [Actor < (00106D01)>]]; restarting[12/20/2018 - 08:53:02PM] [CF][Creature] Removing both API armours from ["Paarthurnax" [dragonactorscript < (0003C57D)>]] and doing nothing else[12/20/2018 - 08:53:02PM] [CF][Creature] Removing both API armours from ["Ziege" [Actor < (00106D01)>]] and doing nothing else[12/20/2018 - 08:53:04PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]:Defered maintenance...[12/20/2018 - 08:53:04PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: found Devious Devices - Assets.esm[12/20/2018 - 08:53:04PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: Enabled Desire spell[12/20/2018 - 08:53:04PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: Updated notification key to 49[12/20/2018 - 08:53:04PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: finished maintenance[12/20/2018 - 08:53:04PM] [CF][Framework] Cleared log Form DB[12/20/2018 - 08:53:05PM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework is done initialising[12/20/2018 - 08:53:05PM] [CF][Creature] Started on ["Paarthurnax" [defaultAllowPCDialogueScript < (0003C57D)>]] with race/skin ["Dragon Race" [Race <DragonRace (00012E82)>]]["" [Armor < (000B9C2D)>]][12/20/2018 - 08:53:05PM] [CF][Creature] Started on ["Ziege" [Actor < (00106D01)>]] with race/skin ["Goat" [Race <GoatRace (000131FA)>]]["Ziege" [Armor < (0006F278)>]][12/20/2018 - 08:53:05PM] [CF][Creature] Update being forced on ["Paarthurnax" [defaultAllowPCDialogueScript < (0003C57D)>]]; havingSex=False savedOverrideArousal=0 arousalSource=0[12/20/2018 - 08:53:05PM] [CF][Main Quest] The cloak is being applied for the first time since game load[12/20/2018 - 08:53:05PM] [CF][Creature] Update being forced on ["Ziege" [Actor < (00106D01)>]]; havingSex=False savedOverrideArousal=0 arousalSource=0[12/20/2018 - 08:53:05PM] [CF][Creature] ["Paarthurnax" [defaultAllowPCDialogueScript < (0003C57D)>]] unaroused[12/20/2018 - 08:53:05PM] [CF][Creature] ["Ziege" [Actor < (00106D01)>]] unaroused[12/20/2018 - 08:53:05PM] [CF][Creature] Not equipping normal armour on ["Ziege" [Actor < (00106D01)>]]; there is no normal armour; gender=1[12/20/2018 - 08:53:05PM] [CF][Creature] Not equipping normal armour on ["Paarthurnax" [defaultAllowPCDialogueScript < (0003C57D)>]]; there is no normal armour; gender=1[12/20/2018 - 08:53:12PM] [DCUR] Scanning for followers[12/20/2018 - 08:53:13PM] [DCUR] Periodical update starts[12/20/2018 - 08:53:15PM] [DCUR] Sex attacks are out of cooldown. Checking conditions![12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call Stop() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 12[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call start() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 13[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 13[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call OnOffNVN() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.Refresh() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 7[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 14[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"stack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.Refresh() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 7[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 14[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call HasKeywordString() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatpascr.OnUpdate() - "defeatpascr.psc" Line 289[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp63"stack:[None].defeatpascr.OnUpdate() - "defeatpascr.psc" Line 289[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: File "mslVampiricThirst.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 182[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call GetSize() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.MergeRaceList() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 105[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 194[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp18"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.MergeRaceList() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 105[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 194[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 207[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 208[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 209[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 237[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 238[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 239[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call Show() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 271[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp39"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 271[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call Show() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 279[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp39"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 279[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call IsDead() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"stack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call IsDead() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"stack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call ForceRefTo() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 43[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call ForceRefTo() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 44[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ?[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 26[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack:[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 26[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 129[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 132[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 46[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 132[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call AddToFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 133[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] [dxflowergirlsscript <None>] Added Player to the Follow me Faction: None[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 138[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 138[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call AddToFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 139[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] [dxflowergirlsscript <None>] Added Player to the Threeway Faction: None[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 146[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 146[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 151[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 151[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call HasForm() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 66[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp4"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 66[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call HasForm() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 68[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 68[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 300[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 301[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 64[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 65[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 66[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call XFL_FollowerCountEx() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 68[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 68[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp15"stack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 68[12/20/2018 - 08:53:21PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].effidlemonitor.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 90[12/20/2018 - 08:53:22PM] [CF][Framework] Didn't activate actor ["Ziege" [Actor < (00106D01)>]]; already has effect[12/20/2018 - 08:53:23PM] Error: Cannot call Disable() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.OnUpdateGameTime() - "USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.psc" Line 28[12/20/2018 - 08:53:23PM] Error: Cannot call Disable() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.OnUpdateGameTime() - "USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.psc" Line 29[12/20/2018 - 08:53:23PM] Error: Unable to call Stop - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.Stop() - "<native>" Line ?[None].USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.OnUpdateGameTime() - "USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.psc" Line 31[12/20/2018 - 08:53:23PM] Error: Cannot call Disable() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.OnUpdateGameTime() - "USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.psc" Line 28[12/20/2018 - 08:53:23PM] Error: Cannot call Disable() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.OnUpdateGameTime() - "USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.psc" Line 29[12/20/2018 - 08:53:23PM] Error: Unable to call Stop - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.Stop() - "<native>" Line ?[None].USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.OnUpdateGameTime() - "USLP_QF_ChangeLocation04_06065C82.psc" Line 31[12/20/2018 - 08:53:36PM] Refreshing Helmets [_mz_HT_ActorScript <Active effect 1 on (00000014)>][12/20/2018 - 08:53:36PM] Refreshing on Actor Lis[12/20/2018 - 08:53:38PM] [DCUR] Periodical update starts[12/20/2018 - 08:53:40PM] [DCUR] Sex attacks are out of cooldown. Checking conditions![12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call Stop() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 12[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ?[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 26[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call start() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 13[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 13[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call OnOffNVN() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.Refresh() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 7[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 14[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"stack:[None].defeatnpcsscr.Refresh() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 7[None].defeatnpcsscr.OnUpdate() - "defeatnpcsscr.psc" Line 14[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call HasKeywordString() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].defeatpascr.OnUpdate() - "defeatpascr.psc" Line 289[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp63"stack:[None].defeatpascr.OnUpdate() - "defeatpascr.psc" Line 289[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: File "mslVampiricThirst.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 182[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call GetSize() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.MergeRaceList() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 105[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 194[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp18"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.MergeRaceList() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 105[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 194[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 207[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 208[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 209[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 237[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 238[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call WoodElfRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 239[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call Show() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 271[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp39"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 271[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call Show() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 279[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp39"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 279[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 53[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call IsDead() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"stack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call IsDead() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"stack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 35[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call ForceRefTo() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 43[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call ForceRefTo() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 44[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack:[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 26[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 56[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 129[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 132[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 132[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call AddToFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 133[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] [dxflowergirlsscript <None>] Added Player to the Follow me Faction: None[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 138[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 138[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call AddToFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 139[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] [dxflowergirlsscript <None>] Added Player to the Threeway Faction: None[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 146[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 146[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call IsInFaction() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 151[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"stack:[None].dxflowergirlsscript.OnUpdate() - "dxFlowerGirlsScript.psc" Line 151[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?[None].USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.OnUpdate() - "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript.psc" Line 46[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call HasForm() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 66[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp4"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 66[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call HasForm() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 68[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"stack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GetRaceIndex() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 68[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 299[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 300[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 301[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 286[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[None].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 64[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 65[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None arraystack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 66[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call XFL_FollowerCountEx() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 68[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 68[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp15"stack:[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 68[12/20/2018 - 08:53:46PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].effidlemonitor.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?[None].effidlemonitor.OnUpdate() - "EFFIdleMonitor.psc" Line 90[12/20/2018 - 08:53:57PM] Refreshing Helmets [_mz_HT_ActorScript <Active effect 1 on (00000014)>][12/20/2018 - 08:53:57PM] Refreshing on Actor Lis[12/20/2018 - 08:54:00PM] Refreshing Helmets [_mz_HT_ActorScript <Active effect 1 on (00000014)>][12/20/2018 - 08:54:00PM] Refreshing on Actor Lis[12/20/2018 - 08:54:01PM] [DCUR] Periodical update starts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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