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Talking to Serena does not start bloodline quest


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Hi all,

I fought my way through the dungeon for the Awakening quest and freed Serena. Talking to her completed the Awakening quest. When asked to follow me, she agrees but does nothing and the bloodline quest doesn't start. After the dialogue ends, I can talk to her again and ask her to follow me with the same results. I tried using console commands to force the quest to start but that doesn't do anything.

I've been looking around a bit and it seems that some other people have had this problem but no one seems to have a fix. I have a dozen or so mods installed and I'll post the order below. These were all downloaded through the "Mods" option in the Skyrim main menu. And if it mater at all this is Skyrim SE

Thanks for any help.


Edit: Went through and disabled all the mods then loaded a save from before I talked to Serena. Its still bugged.


Unofficial Skyrim SE Patch

Climates of Tamriel

Diverse Dragons Collection

Alternate Start

Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim

Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim

Skyrim Reborne SE

Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul

A Quality World Map

Immersive Patrols SE

Immersive Movement

Cloaks & Capes


Edited by Mortarion110
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Verify integrity of game files through steam..
If it doesn't solve your problem try the SetStage command with the correct quest id and stage id found in the wiki

Edit: Unrelated but diverse dragons is known to cause countless issues in peoples games... I suggest avoiding it

Edited by zeknapain
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