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Wrye Bash Help?


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I'm not sure if this is the right place but I think so?


Anyways, I had Wrye Bash working fine. I mainly used it to change mods that need update.esm to rely on Bashed Patch, I'm not sure how that works but I went out on a limb trying it and it worked, I have update.esm but it won't recognize it for some reason. What folder should I have it in? Data, right? Well, anyways I reinstalled skyrim for another mod problem I had, and it fixed that but now I reinstalled Wrye Bash and it won't work? Does anybody have any ideas?


This is what Wrye Bash says:

Error! Unable to start Wrye Bash.


Please ensure Wrye Bash is correctly installed.



Traceback (most recent call last):

File "bash\bash", line 362, in main

File "bash\bosh", line 31163, in initBosh

File "bash\bosh", line 30961, in initDirs

File "bash\bolt", line 1348, in makedirs

File "os.pyo", line 150, in makedirs

File "os.pyo", line 157, in makedirs

WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: u'E:\\Skyrim Mods'


This is the three things I basically need help with at least one of these.

1. Getting Wrye Bash to work.

2. Getting mods to recognize update.esm

3. Finding another program to change update.esm to something else.


Thanks in advance!

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