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Trouble with URLs in descriptions


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Hi, folks, I can't seem to get my URLs to function in my mod description.


The mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20201


I do know how to BBCODE and Internet, as it were. I've tried the following:


[ url=http://samueltcrown.com/?p=135 ]My Site[/url]






Is it a problem with linking off the nexus? Did I miss something in the many, many notifications that calls that a No No? Or am I doing something so blatantly, amazing, stupidly n00bish that y'all will point and laugh and throw tomatoes?


Thanks very much, all.


---EDIT: Okay, what the crap?? The second BBCODE entry works perfectly here, but not in my mod description. What's up with that??

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