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Skyrim: Most darkest, depraved, moment


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This playthrough has been my darkest yet, even though my character isn't what I would consider "evil". "Complex", "ruthless", and "a product of his upbringing", perhaps, but not quite "evil".


First off, I should mention that this playthrough began as pre-alpha playtesting of my AD mod, which adds a Dunmer companion to the game who has some serious beef with the Argonians. Since I was playing as a Dunmer myself, I took the RP perspective that we were old friends from the Grey Quarter, who, growing up in poverty and listening to tales of Argonian atrocities in Morrowind, decided to start an underground organization dedicated to advancing the cause of the Dunmer people (which is also one of Atvir's major goals in the questlines being prepared for AD).


Anyways, early in my game, Atvir discovered that the Argonian Assemblage had been playing host to a hated member of the Argonian ruling class - someone whom the Dres loyalists considered a war criminal. He insisted that we take some sort of action against them, so we gathered a group of Dark Elves (thanks UFO and "recruit anyone" bat files) and stormed the Assemblage in the middle of the night. Every Argonian in the building was put to the sword, many while still lying in their beds, and everything of value was taken and distributed amongst our party.


During our escape, we bumped into Rolff Stone-Fist, shouting his usual drunken insults in the streets of the Grey Quarter. Needless to say, that was the last time he ever set foot in the Grey Quarter - or anywhere else, for that matter. With a quick console command, I removed his "essential" tag, and five furious, blood-crazed Dunmer descended upon him with fire and sword.


Unlike the raid on the Assemblage, this battle happened in the streets, and attracted the attention of the WIndhelm City Guard, three of whom were killed while attempting an arrest. It was during this stage of the battle that Jenassa fell, run through from behind by a newly-arrived guard. Not wanting to lose anymore of my party on this partially-successful operation, I ordered a retreat to the Hall of the Vigilant, which we had cleared out earlier and were using as a base of operations.


So, yeah, essentially my current character is a genocidal terrorist. He means well, though!

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