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All in My Mind


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>>>>>RP Thread Here<<<<


Blue eyes gazed into the vast evening sky above, the clouds moving eerily over the city. Were they raindrops falling from the eternal depth or something more sinister? Tilting her head, she was unable to take her eyes off the gentle particles. Something so beautiful as the evening rain descending so peacefully would never reveal exactly what they were. The residents gazed from their windows to see their world twist and curl away with the touch of gentle petals falling from the sky.



Two small countries neighboring each other have been at war with each other for the entirety of their history. After much bloodshed over the years, the two have been living in tense peace up until now. One country [Teyla] has basically chemical bombed the other country [Esparta] with hallucinogens, and when the particles contaminated the water supply, it ensured a constant state of hallucination. Though the two leaders of the countries are still "friendly" because tradition requires them to be that way, the two really are on the brink of war again. The citizens of the country that had been contaminated are going up in arms because they believe their leader is no longer capable in her condition (though they aren't necessarily more capable). So revolution is breaking out in small pockets.


Your role

You can play up to 2 characters, limit one per side. You can roleplay however you want but this is going to be somewhat near modern time and somewhat realistic - sci-fi-esque stuff is ok if you don't go overboard. Fantasy is ok IF you keep it incredibly subtle. For example, say someone is a "vampire" - no one will really believe that you are. And if you go around trying to suck blood or whatever, people are just going to think your are insane. Instead you can give hints, which are always welcome




A traditional society that is incredibly technologically advanced. The streets are under constant surveillance and papers (passports) are checked frequently. They are extremely mistrusting of foreigners. Especially now that they've been carpet bombed basically. Their leader has a computer chip installed in her brain to help her make decisions, but it's seen as a ritual sort of thing. And it's going out of style. Her brain is wired with the city because she is so paranoid - and she downloads information from various propaganda posters around the city. Citizens are very technologically savvy, themselves.



A military society a little more like a modern country but not crazy with the technology. They have almost an open door policy and an incredibly transparent government that fluctuates with power-hungry generals. The current leader is a strategist and would like to conquer the neighboring country once and for all to bring peace to his country. He is required by tradition to visit the neighboring country and take part in social rituals (such as certain gatherings and pretending to be friendly). Citizens of this country are extremely variable. Some are technologically savvy but they just don't have some of the type of networking advances their neighbor has. They are slightly behind. Some are extremely loyal and act as if they are in the military even though they are civilians.


Pick a side. Pick your sanity. I'm reserving the 2 leaders to direct the roleplay in the general direction I have planned out.


The hallucination:

If your character is from Esparta, you are at least a -little- bit affected by the hallucinogens - it's up to you to decide how affected your character will be. Characters visiting from Teyla are well aware of the conditions and have access to preventative medicine to block the effects if you should choose to use it.


No character sheets required, but if you want to post a picture of your character in OOC or add any information strangers would know upon seeing your character feel free to put it in this thread. Traditionally, I'd like to keep most of the description in your introductory post and during your interactions with other characters, like you'd read in a book.


This may or may not be a fast paced roleplay. There is no minimum length of time between posts (unless you're being ridiculous and trying to mess with the rp or something). People can jump in and drop out whenever. You don't need to notify everyone either - but if you do, obviously you need to use the OOC thread, don't spam the RP. Since it's a city setting, it makes sense for people to appear, disappear now and then. You might want to give the person you are interacting with the courtesy to rp your way out of the scene though. This is going to be incredibly laid back. There is no min or max paragraph length - other than the forum rules. Just rp how you fancy. I just want everyone to have fun, no elitism/hand-holding stuff - just some structured rules so everyone can have a good time.



OOC Specific Information!

Just to clarify for the tl;dr crowd


1. You can join in at any time, you do not need to be approved

2. You may be kicked out if you are disturbing the rp on purpose

3. You may leave or take a break at any time and return at any time

4. Character sheets can be posted in OOC if you want, but they are not required.

5. You may have up to 2 characters, 1 character per country

6. There is no min or max paragraph length

7. You can do anything or be anything you want HOWEVER - there are consequences to what you do in both countries and some NPC interactions with your character might happen

8. No killing off other characters without permission from the character's owner and no godmodding - please don't do it. :down:

9. No sex. Take it to PMs - Kissing, hand holding, hugging, all okay. Anything you wouldn't do in public in front of your grandmother should be taken to PM.

10. You do not control other characters - you control you and only you - in actions and thoughts. If you try to control someone else's character in any way, the other person has full authority to completely ignore your post. As we all will. So please follow the forum rules!

Edited by Cynster
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