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New to nexus need help please?


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First off I would highly recommend downloading the nexus mod manager (get it here), or something similar. Having a mod manager will really help with trying out mods.


Now for some mods to help improve the look of your game that I use (in no particular order):

No More Blocky Faces - This will make the faces in the world better, I would also look at the other mods by Xenius and see which ones you like.

Proper Length Arrows - Fixes a graphical glitch with arrows.

Alternate Sun Glare - Improves the look of the sun.

ApachiiSkyHair - Adds a lot more hair styles.

Enhanced Night Skyrim - Improves the night sky, adding more stars.


There are a whole lot more mods out there to improve the look. Which ones you can use depend on your rig. If you have a good one you can try ENB.


Finally to help organize your characters I would recommend the Profile Manger.

Edited by chocklymon
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I understand how that goes. I would recommend going through the top 100 files list on the site and just taking a look at what is there. You can use the categories drop down to narrow your results. Most of the files that make it into the top 100 lists tend to be stable and well done. Don't be afraid to try things out. Welcome to the wonderful world of mods!
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