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Hello Everyone - Dream mods


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Hello, i am pretty new here, but i want to know if these things are possible,

I am using Skyrim VR, i dont have any mods loaded currently, but right now i am searching for some amazing mods that would support the kind of things i want to do.


1 - SUPPORTING / buffing followers.

I want to be a support type character, so if i choose to i can heal / fire shield, / levitate etc, / cast ice armor on my followers, and make them war machines in combat. i did find one very old mod, but i have NO idea if it works in SE


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F719T3BpvU - this is basically what i am looking for except possibly newer and more robust? i suppose if this version works with skyrim Vr then that should do what i need.



2 - Enchanting weapons to become sentient. i want to some how Conjure / enchant or summon weapons to fight for me. i have heard there are mods out there that can do this already, but i cant seem to find them.


I would love to find a really nice sword, enchant it with fire, then make it come alive and fight with me as a follower.


any ideas?


3 - Totems - If i want to play a shamen style gameplay, i want totems to cast spells for me , i found this mod but its very old and i have no idea if it works in Skyrim VR https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73860


If anyone has any ideas i'd love to hear it. number 1 and 2 are the most important to me.

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In the mod in my signature you can do both 1 & 3. Otherwise there are also summonable enchanted weapons but they aren't sentient.


To accomplish 1, there are traditional buff/debuff spells that target another actor, otherwise there's a power to redirect a self buff onto an actor your aiming at.


For 3, there's currently three summonable turrets, one blasts actors with lightning, one gives them magical armor, and another heals them.

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