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Adding Mods


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Greetings all. :biggrin:


First off, I'd like to apologise. I'm not a n00b to forums, but I live in Queensland (that's in the North East of Australia if anyone cares) and at the moment I'm in Melbourne (that's in the South East of Australia) helping my mother with some renovations she's doing to the house so I don't really have much time to do a detailed search of the forum to look for answers. I'd like to thank anyone and everyone who replies to this thread. :thanks:


I am a n00b to the modding community, but I have known of mods since I started gaming way back when I was 14.


I am interested in getting into some modding myself but that's another thing all together; my question(s) are related however since I've realised that there are a lot of mods that people have created that look really cool and that they load order is also important.


So, firstly a brief run down.....


I've experimented with several mods (I've downloaded 3.17 GB :blink: ), and kept getting several glitches. Through trial and error I've found that some of the mods don't work (most likely because they clash with other mods).


So, onto my question(s).....


I'm looking for a body replacement for both male and female that don't clash, lots of clothes, armour, weapons, eyes, hair etc.....


Again I don't want them to clash so my question is which are the best 'compatible' mods for this sort of thing and what load order (if any) so I put them in?


I also like to add a lot of houses and quests/adventures since I tend to completely finish every single quest/adventure possible.


My question here is, do and of these sort of mods clash with the body/hair etc... mods AND in what order should I load them in?


I can't think of anything else at the moment.


As of this posting I'm going to be updating my profile so that I'm not completely anonymous so I'll be checking back (no we are taking a break from the renovations at the moment haha).


Once again thanks for any and all comments,


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Robert's bodies, both male and female. More realistic and don't clash.


As for your other questions, sorry but you need to be reading the "readme" files sent with every mod and the FAQs posted on these forums.


Good luck.


Robert's bodies cool thanks man.


As for the readme files, that's a given, but unfortunately not everyone states anything about incomparability or load orders, so it leads to some confusion at times.

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Side note, I have around 17 GB of mods.




How many of these do you have loaded?


I used to play a $#!t load of games, now I play games that only really appeal to me, Oblivion being one of my favourites of course. So once I've totally finished a game I tend to want more, so for Oblivion I came to the modding community, so as you can imagine I want a lot of mods so that I can keep on playing.

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Side note, I have around 17 GB of mods.




Holy Mother of God! 17 Gigs?! Jeez louise... Maybe you should get a separate drive just for Oblivion... :P


@grail666: It's a pleasure to meet you. I've been to Queensland. It's a bit too humid for me though... Whereabouts in QL do you live? In FNQ perhaps?


Ah yes. About the mods. I would have to agree with Michlo here. Go with Robert's Female body, and Robert's Male v3. There's better compatibilty with v3 than with v4 (IMO, of course). There are some great clothing mods for both male and female.





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