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Spliting a city with a loading screen?


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The title says it all, Is it possible to make happen?


I have the whiterun cell open up, It has


Whiterun origin

Whiterun plains district 01

Whiterun plains district 02

Whiterun plains district 03

Whiterun plains district 04


Whiterun wind district 01

Whiterun wind district 02

Whiterun wind district 03


What I need to do is make the plains district into its own cell apart from the wind district and the Skyforge.Can this be done? I need a door that leads to the wind district. to help with FPS issues with a mod I am doing.



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I think a lot of stuff would break if you split the world.


One thing to check out if you haven't already is Occlusion Planes and Multibounds. The idea being that you either can place occlusion planes in existing static structures if it's enough or some type of wall with a load door which would make up a big static occlusion "wall". So you're still in the same world, but using the door would insta-teleport you to the other side. If it's a door that can be walked though, occlusion planes can be placed to the left and right of the door only leaving a vertical strip that's no culled.


I couldn't find much for Skyrim about this, but the FO3 stuff still applies: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Occlusion_Culling


Top Down:

|    A     |
|  _____   |
|  |    |  |
|  |  B |  |
|  |____|  |
|          |
|    C     |

Say you're at A looking towards B/C. B is a big static building you can't see through but you can see partially around. By default, even though C is only partially visible (B is taking up most of the view from A), all three are drawn.


|    A     |
|  _____   |
|  |  B |  |
|  |----|  |
|  |____|  |
|          |
|    C     |

If you place an occlusion plane in B (the dotted line), most of C will be culled. So that A, B and only some of C is drawn. The occlusion plane shouldn't go beyond the bounds of B, you shouldn't be able to see the occlusion plane in the editor without hiding B. But it should be as tall and wide as possible (without being visible from the playable areas).


So you could "wall off" sections and then place a plane in the center of the wall to cull the other side:


__________<-wall front
----------<-occlusion plane
__________<-wall back

Edited by Ez0n3
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