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How I fell in love with Skyrim again - My new heavily modded SE Let's Play series


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Hi everyone,

after five years I just started playing Skyrim again. Special Edition this time. I installed lots of mods and the game looks absolutely beautiful. I did all this for a reason: I wanted to create a Let's Play series with mods which would be absolutely beautiful to look at. I thought that especially people in this forum could be interested in a Playthrough with mods. So here it is:




I'm from Germany so my English isn't perfect but I also make these videos to enhance my Enlish skills.

What do you think? Do these mods increase the beauty of the video a lot? I'd be really grateful for some feedback.

Thank you!

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  • 8 months later...

I enjoyed that, as someone who's also trying to rekindle my love for this game.


Don't sweat the English, your speech was clear and easily understandable to me. You even pronounce the English "W" well, something Germans often struggle with. When I lived in Germany and wrestled with your language, I had a similar problem with vowels with umlauts. Plus I had the added burden of learning German in Bavaria, the equivalent of a German learning English in Alabama. I could get around Munich OK, but in the north nobody could understand me.


One of my favorite Skyrim commentators on YouTube speaks with a heavy Russian accent and hilariously mangles every other word. But he remains a favorite because content trumps delivery.

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