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Importing custom mesh troubles

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Hello! Noobie here. This is something i've been trying to learn since i was like 15 with Skyrim. Back then i had no knowledge of ANYTHING in the realm of 3d modeling. I thought I'd try again now that i am older and have some experience with 3d modeling and texturing.

Problem is, I'm still running into the same road block as I have countless times in the past. NifSkope.


I've made a OBJ model complete with DDS textures. (I figured i'd just try to make a static object that doesn't interact with the player in any sort for a first try) This is where I get lost. I believe the next step is to take everything into NifSkope, but it just opens another can of worms.

For example, when i import my Triangulated OBJ into nifskope, it's no where to be found in the viewport. I don't know if I'm missing a step or what i'm doing wrong, but any help would be GREATLY appreciated!


I'm using Maya 2018.4

and Nifskope 2018-02-22

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if its a static object, yes, use Outfit Studio to convert to nif, But Outfit Studio will by default add clothing properties to the object when Exporting the Nif. In NifSkope you need to delete that unwanted branch. Just open a static item from the game and compare the branches. If you see something called SkinInstance, that's what you need to delete

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