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Copying items between FormID Lists


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I am trying to make a patch for personal use... well, extend an existing personal patch.


I am using Amazing Follower Tweaks and Scrap Everything. The former has a function to scrap things in a settlement; the latter expands the list of scrappable items. I am looking at them both in F04Edit and I see they both use FormID lists.


AFT has several lists of scrappable objects that the script it uses refers to. I have made a copy of one of these lists in my personal patch.


What I would like to do is copy certain items from the FormID lists of SE into the FormID list of my AFT-copy. I know I can get the editor ID from the SE list, use add item on the list copy, and add that editor ID. But with several lists and hundreds of items, this would take ages.


Is there some way to simply merge all the individual entries in a given FormID list into another FormID list? Do I need something other than F04Edit to do this?

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