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GOTY Installation Problems

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I originally owned the plain Oblivion game, which I installed on my computer and worked 100% perfect. However, I really wanted the Kvatch Rebuilt Mod, among other things, so I bought the Game of the Year Edition, which I installed without uninstalling the original game. KOTN works fine, but Shivering Isles doesn't even show, and the Rebuilt Mod won't play. I disabled all mods, and it still didn't work, although all the game date is in there and enabled.


So, I uninstalled the Game and reinstalled it. But, the same thing happened. KOTN still works, while Shivering Isles doesn't. Can someone help me? This is EXTREMELY frustrating. Thanks

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Uninstall and make sure you have completely uninstalled from all the various subdirectories Oblivion gets installed to. Then use a program like CClean and clean the registry of all Oblivion registry files.


Then reinstall the game.


When you reinstall, do not install under Program Files, install directly under C:\drive as in C:\Bethseda Softworks\Oblivion to avoid the UAC problem.

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