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A potential way for skilled modders to add vehicles to Fallout 4?


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I've been hooked on the Fallout series every since I stumbled upon Fallout 3 by accident in 2009. I've always wanted vehicles in the games though, as have many others. I'm not a fan of New Vegas however, so never got to use the XRE Cars mod, though it looks really cook.

I don't know if anything like XRE will ever come to Fallout 4, but I found an interesting thread on how the designers of Fallout 3 made the Presidential Metro train work.


Taken from the page:


"Far more interesting is the Presidential Metro Train in Broken Steel DLC. It turns out it was easier to make the train car a piece of head armor and slap it onto an NPC than it was to make a working vehicle. The NPC (with train hat) can be spawned wherever it needs to be. All you see is the train car on the tracks, but under the surface is a person with a train on her head. There’s another trick when you actually board the train, and it’s just as weird. Again, there aren’t physics for making a train car move in the Gamebryo engine, so you’re not actually on the train. Instead, the player is equipped with a piece of head armor that covers the field of view and looks like the inside of a train. Then a camera animation is played that makes it look like you’re on a moving train, but you really just have a helmet on."



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