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Magic Spell Special FX Request


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Hi there,


I'm planing a new and big mod, but I'm lacking some essential resources. Atm I'm trying to make a npc(and maybe a new race), but the spell I need for this is a bit complicated.

The spell I need should look like Mega Flare, Bahamut from Final Fantasy X can cast this. Here a video.


the spell is shown in the end of this video(it should display the spell name).


FX details:

the AoE FX should be in the form of a horizontal cylinder with very far range(doesn't matter if it goes into the ground in a hilly of mountain area).

The AoE Effect area is inside an on touch with that cylinder. Obvious (I can set the values of damage myself^^)

The Effect time, hmm let's say 5 seconds of damage and status, I need the info where i can change that timer once this script is finished

About the color, it actually doesn't matter. The same like in the video would be perfect, but i'm not sure if that's possible. In that case violet or better: a dark red

finally, the beginning should be like in the video, a charge time(3 seconds max, better 2 seconds). The end should be different: the cylinder gets thinner and vanishes in about 3 seconds after the effect time.


Would be great if some1 would be willing to provide me with that^^

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