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Adding wounds for Dimonized females and Breeze's males?


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I am using Enhanced Blood Textures My link Everything worked fine until I installed Dimonized Type 3 Female Bodies My link which does not support wounds. I am also planning to install Breeze's FO3 Males My link whish I assume also does not support wounds.


How hard would it be for a totally new modder with no GECK experience to modify these 2 body mods to enable wounds to show up? I like a violent game and it seems odd not to see wounds on my victims.



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"I am using Enhanced Blood Textures My link Everything worked fine until I installed Dimonized Type 3 Female Bodies My link which does not support wounds."


Well wounds, the bloody stain that shows up on the body after taking damage, is an odd thing.


Some armors it will show on & others it won't.


Even on vanilla bodies & armor it does not seem to be consistent. Some show wounds others do not.


Though wounds don't show (blood spurts come off impacts still) on the Type 3 when naked, wounds do appear on many armors/clothes worn by Type 3.


The vanilla female body also seems to have some inconsistencies too.


I'd never really noticed the missing wounds on the Type 3 (not often fully naked in battle ;) )

or the other vanilla clothes & armor, until you mentioned it.


"How hard would it be for a totally new modder with no GECK experience to modify these 2 body mods to enable wounds to show up?"


Firstly you'd need a .nif editor, it's called Nifskope:




I still use the 1.0.22 version, if you're not editing Skyrim .nif's that'll do for you.


There's a very detailed guide here:




The tricky part was working out what was wrong. ;)


This might scare you off if you're new to Nifskope but I'm going to document what I've found in case others read this looking for a solution. It actually turned out to be rather easy.


I started looking into it after reading your post.


I looked around for information on how the wounds work, unfortunately there was nothing I could find. Many people wondering how they worked though. :)


So I started with the odd fact that Type 3 without clothes had displayed no wounds but could in some armor/clothes despite them showing a lot of the very same body.


After a bit of fiddling with Nifskope I managed to make a Type 3 that would show wounds by pasting it into & over a piece of clothing.


I managed to do this also for the Breeze male I use too.


Trouble was, I didn't really know why it worked.


Took 'till today to figure it out.


I was guessing maybe a shader controlled the blood impacts on the body or a node or a setting in a node.


Wrong. :)


It's far simpler than that.


It's the order that the main body of the nif model is in the Block list in relation to the Meat caps & Limb Caps (the bits that form the bloody stumps when limbs are removed).


If the main body's Block is lower than the Meat caps & Limb Caps in the Block list, no bloody wounds will show.


Move the main body up the list to just under the 0 Scene Root & above the Meat caps & Limb Caps & the bloody wounds show up.


Might sound complex but it's done easily by left clicking on the Block in the Block list you need to move in Nifskope & pressing Ctrl & the UP cursor key untill it's just under the Scene Root.


Works for bodies & armor/clothes.


For example, thake the Type 3 BASE HD body:




(Always make a backup of any .nif BEFORE you try & make changes to it)


You'd open it in Nifskope.


Left click on the body in the Render window, which highlights it's Block in the Block list.


That Block is 31 BASEHD, press Ctrl & the UP cursor key & move up it's number until that Block has moved to a position just under the Scene Root, above the Meat caps & Limb Caps.


Go to File & Save.


That femaleupperbody.nif will now show wounds in game.


The same method made my Breeze male also show wounds, that's the upperbody.nif & the main Block was called "Body".


I use Breeze 1.3 not the latest 1.6 so I don't know if the 1.6 shows wounds or not. The 1.3 didn't until fixed.


I've also used this method on a few pieces of clothing succesfully too.


Of course, you'd have to fix any piece of armor/clothes that didn't display wounds as well as the bodies.


That's because the clothes work by basically replacing the body in use.


The method is at least easy. :)


I've not had long to test it but all seems well (if very bloody) with no side effects.


Oh, anyone getting strange jagged bloody wounds instead of splatts, right click on the mesh in the Render window & select - Mesh - Make Skin Partition. Fixed it on the Breeze I was working on.


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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nivea - Hello!


Glad it was of some use. :)


I just couldn't find any guides or articles about how those pesky wounds worked.








To anyone interested, further to my earlier post, I've been playing with this & found a few things out.


This same method of moving Blocks in the Block list above the amputation caps works for creatures too.


I had some clothed Feral Ghouls that wounds never displayed on.


Moving the block with their main body on above the Blocks with their amputation caps worked. But you also had to move the clothing Block that they were wearing (Creatures clothes are built into their model unlike human NPC's) to above the amputation caps too in order for the blood splatts to display on the clothes.


This includes Arms if they are seperate from the clothing items main body.


& nifty thing about this is, If you want an item to not display bloody wounds, you leave it under the ampoutation caps.


Handy for say a bullet proof vest part of clothing or an armor piece that you don't want to look like it's been penetrated.



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