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Bow - arrow modification


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Can someone help me with modification of bow and arrows? I'm using SSSEDIT and would like to modify my bow and arrows, but don't know what exactly to modyfy to make it like I wish. I just want to modify bow/arrows to fly more straight than they do. Problem is, that arrows don't fly in straight line for long, and I would like them to fly straight (longer). I have changed my Skyrim.ini and Skyrimperf.ini like they should be for longer range of arrovs and for straight(er) flight, but one of bows that I'm using doesn't seem to shoot arow in straight line. So I want to modify this bow or arrows (I don't know what item is responsible fo this) to make ammo fliy in straight line. So question is, what input in SSSEDIT is responsible to determine for this? I have corrected everything else (damage ratio...) as I want it to be, but just can't manage the problem that I described in my post.

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