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Mesh Problems?


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Hey guys,

I've recently started playing again and after updating/installing new mods, I played for about 3 or 4 hours yesterday on a ranger character I created a while back (though she was still only level 1, now she's level 3 :P)


Anyway - everything was going perfectly fine and I was having a lot of fun. I didn't try out any of my other saves extensively, I just checked to make sure my main savegame was working as I was previously having issues with insta-CTDs which I figured out were the cause of wrong ugrids values. So, my previous saves were working peachy and I played for 4 hours with no problems at all - sounds good.


In between checking my old saves (oh, and making a new character - a Temptress) I downloaded some new mods then I went to play my ranger character without testing my previous saves again, because I assumed they were all dandy. Today, after installing a few mods, I went to go onto my main save (a nord warrior) and I noticed something was not right. I don't know how to describe it, but it's like there's another mesh on top of the original mesh and they're showing through each other. I checked on my ranger character, and it's happening to her too. So I checked with a new game and it seems to be showing up for all female races, except the new Temptress race. Screenshots are at the bottom to describe what I'm talking about better.


I did install FNIS and some new animations (as well as other mods which I don't think relate to the problem at all). This was earlier today, before I checked my main save, so I'm thinking it may be something to do with that? Does anyone else know what's going on and what I can do? I will try uninstalling FNIS and see if that helps.


Screenshots here

Temptress Race (no problems)

New character screen 1

New character screen 2

Ranger character 1

Ranger character 2 (when you zoom right in, the problem bits disappear - that's what I meant about it looking like there's 2 meshes - one underneath and one on top)

Ranger character 3 (as you zoom out, the problem bits become more and more apparant until her whole face becomes black and blocky, like the first picture)

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