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Skyrim Vortex SSE to LE Texture Mod Install


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Ok so i want to install a SSE texture mod and use it in LE with Vortex. I have manually downloaded the mod, attempted to install via "drop file" and that doesn't work. I can't use Mod manager Download because obviously it's a different game and the only option is to manually install what could be 200 files which is a real pain if i decide to uninstall said mod. I would love to be able to use some SSE texture mods and there must be an easier way. Since i am a bit of a noob, i would like some detailed advice on how i can make all of this happen? Thank you and Merry Christmas!

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Hi thanx for the reply, i have already gone through the pain of switching to Vortex (which i like so far) and i have manually installed some smaller SSE files over to LE, which makes it easy, but if i wanted to install say, a Whiterun mod, i am looking a lot of files to delete if i decide i don't like the mod anymore. I'm thinking there must be an easier way to download a texture file without too much fuss.

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