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NEED HELP! a girl is dying here (not literally) but still help. DS2 Setup


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I've never posted on these forums before and quite frankly hope I'm even in the right place to have this issue I'm having even addressed. My issue has to do with NMM "Dark Souls 2" Setup screen. When I launch NMM from my desktop it prompts me as to which game i want to Mod, I click on Darks Souls 2 and then another screen pops up nXyLpn6.png

I click "Ok" and then another screen opens up providing me with an opportunity to change file paths. This is where my issue begins as I seem to be having trouble with the "Virtual Mod Install Setup". A red exclamation point will pop up and if i hover over it, it provides me with extra notes regarding the issue. lS5jykJ.png

I have not touched anything or changed any of the file paths as of yet simply because i dont want to mess anything up for myself. Everything right now is defaulted. Everything is also located on my D: drive in terms of Dark Souls 2 and Nexus Mod Manager, so i dont understand why i'm being flagged for this virtual directory. I do want to note that its shows my selected drive as drive D:\ but in the "expected drive" there is nothing listed. So im not sure what to do. Here are some screenshots of where i currently have my DS2 Game and NMM located. zavv0ut.png



I am so frustrated right now as ive never had this issue before, ive used NMM before with Dark Souls 2 and it only seems now im having this issue. I've even uninstalled and reinstalled NMM to see if that helps but nothing. anyone have any advice?

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