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Was running great and then I updated mods and now its broke


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So I was about 100 hours in on Skyrim VR. Everything was going good and I thought hey I want to see what other mods I can add to my game. So I went online and search for a few that i thought would be nice to add on. HOWEVER before i did that i decide to see if my current mods needed to be updated. Several reported there were updates so I went ahead and updated them. Now at this point I have not installed any other mods. I have only the ones I started with. I loaded up my game and wammo blammo it fails to load. Here is the message I get, " RaceMenu Error(s): You are running SKSE Version expected or greater. NiOverride plugin not detected. various features may be " then i can see what is next because it says "Press Any Button" (which does not work) Error Codes: (looks like it might be (0)(3)(8) maybe??)

I tried reinstalling ALL my mods/plugins. I tried re-downloading RaceMenu and reinstalling. So far nothing is working. I really REALLY don't want to start all over again. Oh man this stinks.. Thats what i get for wanting to tweak it.. Hopefully someone has an idea of where i should look or something to try.

Thanks in advance.

I've attached a screen grab of the error message i see.

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Yeah i downloaded and installed per instructions for the VR version, however one item missing from the instructions was that you need to run the original skyrim (or skse non vr) first. Otherwise you continue to get error messages. Once i ran the original and quit the game and then went into the vr version it started working again.. whew..

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! I don't know why skse vr was no longer installed. I did install this before when i first set everything up. Oh well.. I'm not going to play with the mods until i finish this play through! :) Dont want to loose all this work and fun i invested just to make a few changes to an already fun experience.

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just an update, so if i try to run skyrimVR from vortex or oculus or steam it gives me that error message again.

However if i run the sksevr_loader.exe it works just fine.

Maybe vortex lost the link to the exe during one of the updates?


Edit your dashboard entry for sksevr - or create one.

When you have the paths correct, make sure you click the Default button.

Having never used Skyrim VR - I can't offer any specific help.

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