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Elder Knowledge Quest Bug


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Possible spoilers ahead:

I was doing the main quest line for the first time on the 1.6.87b patch. When I got the "Elder Knowledge" quest I went to the college of Winterhold, joined them, talked to the orc at the library and got "Discerning the Transmundane" quest, so I went to see Septimus Signus but when I talk to him about the elder scroll, the entry Recover the Elder scroll does not appear. It should appear since he talks to me about an Elder scroll that lies in Blackreach, but I get no update on the journal and it keeps pointing me to Septimus with "Learn the location of the elder scroll" entry.

If I go to Blackreach and take it its fine, but I want it the jounal entries to work without this kind of flaw, any suggestions? Is it a 1.6.87 bug? I remember on that 1.4 and 1.5 it worked as it should...

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